Mister Fox

Sometimes simple is best:

I am sick of both of them, they both seem to be trash people.

Protection is not enough. This is a fight fire with fire situation. We need those people to come out and say that if there are wrongful investigations or breaches or privacy, they're going after the people that initiated those things. If we're going to fight, we should push for laws that make it a felony to possess

They know abortion tourism will be a boon for their ecomomies.

Huh. That seems like something you can readily find without making a stupid fucking bill with a stupid fucking name.  

We already count the “unborn” by tracking live births per year. That’s why we know we don’t have a enough people to feed capitalisms gaping maw which is easily 1/3rd of the reason people want forced birth.

This is 10,000% a talking point handed to him from more senior republicans to deflect the bad press he’s been getting lately. This dweeb did NOT think of something that clever or do-able.

I was seriously sitting here racking my brain trying to think of why Princess Diana would have been next in line to open parliament in the queen’s absence...

Prince William filled in for his mom at the ceremonial opening of parliament, after Queen Elizabeth missed the event for the first time in almost 60 years, citing mobility issues.

“I’ll have a *shifty eyes* raw scrambled egg, please.”

People peacefully using their free speech rights to protest an unjust decision that is not supported by the majority of the population. How is that not the best thing for a free society?

(Editor’s note: This in no way applies to reproductive rights.)

Regardless of context they're shit.

Crypto isn’t making anyone rich except for the people at the top of the scheme. That’s how pyramid schemes *work*. Also these articles don’t get any more or less comment traffic than others. If you disagree, then I suggest you provide your proof because all this trash comment is, is hurt feefees and baseless statement.

I do love it. Every day I look forward to reading Kotaku’s latest crypto articles and I laugh and laugh and laugh. It’s better than circus animals.

The best way to prove that love is to continue commenting on each crypto article. Then you’re really participating in what what you love! High-five!

It’s almost like the law was designed this way by... wealthy corporate donors?

Nah, couldn’t be. 

I maybe get the not being able to sue a co-worker, but seems like not being able to sue your employer for damages is suspect, and leaves employees unprotected