Isn’t that what the ‘Render Dragon’ graphics engine update was supposed to be?
Isn’t that what the ‘Render Dragon’ graphics engine update was supposed to be?
I kinda like Doug Walker’s idea for splitting it into 2 films- end the first one with Harvey screaming about Rachel in the hospital bed when the music cuts out. Would have been a really bold move and probably required extra content in “part 2", but if I had to chop this up into more than one part I’d definitely end…
I think they’re referencing buffet-style food where everyone is touching the same serving utensils to put food on their plates.
Hard to believe people are still interviewing this guy after the screenshots of his interactions with underage fans got posted
*She talksh in her shleep
Unfortunately, he’s not trolling. His Wikipedia page is an absolute trip
Ravenfield is a Battlefield clone that might be as close as you can get. It supports Steam workshop mods so you can add Battlefield-style character and weapon models.
As a Philadelphian who voted by mail to avoid the line, I’m hoping Fetterman’s winning margin will widen as Pennsylvania continues counting mail-in votes. 1.6 million Pennsylvanians requested mail-in ballots this year, and about 70% of those were registered Democrats.
Didn’t CDPR employees say things like “the game runs surprisingly well on current gen consoles” when it actually ran so badly that it was pulled from the PlayStation Store?
Call in the next 30 minutes and we’ll throw in a copy of our recent investigation into whether bears do, in fact, shit in the woods.
Carlsen also has a lot of financial reasons to call his opponents’ abilities into doubt in an OTB game. is in the procrss of buying Carlsen’s chess training app from him, and the price is likely to drop if someone manages to beat him.
I at least liked how Battlefield 1 was named after its setting of World War 1, thus making it the canonically oldest game by depicted conflict.
Is the average consumer really looking at $800+ phones right now?
Is the average consumer really looking at $800+ phones right now?
There’s nothing better than fucking in the back of the Invisible Boatmobile
Mermaid Man Borgnine
If I spend $60 on a game released specifically for my console, I expect it to run without crashing and run at more than 15fps. Otherwise, why sell me the game in the first place?
Is there a particular reason you don’t want to build a PC yourself? There’s resources like LinusTechTips to walk you through the process, and you’re getting the best bang for your buck in comparision to pre-builts. You might even be able to cheaply upgrade your current rig instead of replacing it entirely.
Is there a particular reason you don’t want to build a PC yourself? There’s resources like LinusTechTips to walk you…
These parts will get you identical gaming performance for over $200 less:
These parts will get you identical gaming performance for over $200 less: