UI 2.0

This just in: Disney+ subscriptions cannibalize DVD and Blu Ray sales.

It depends what you’re trying to do. If you want the world to feel expansive, for example, a good render distance can really help.

It seems to be suprising many people on here so far. Some of they are so in deniall they are accusing CMA of lying. Even though microsoft was the one who gave them the information in the 1st place.

IT’s bizarre how some people are trying to treat this like a gotcha. Like duh. The whole point of gamepass is free games. Why would I spend money on a subscription service if I was going to buy those same games anyway

You know what else hurts game sales? People not making enough money from their occupations to pay for non-essential leisure activities, like videogames.

idk what you think my point was that this was your reply. Comparing two versions of the same game is nothing like comparing two different games released decades apart.

 I loved the first game, then Elden Ring came out. Going to be honest, not excited for Part 2 anymore. The combat will be the same smash button over and over until your weapon breaks and the graphics won’t even come close. The exploration will be good no doubt, but it has to be more than that to get me pumped. I just

And yet even Wind Waker looks better on better hardware as seen with Wind Waker HD...

Sony didnt make or port Forsaken.  That wasnt an internally made game for Sony.  Hell they didnt publish it.  Square made it, with their own internal team.  

I don’t get why so many gamers are caught up in the false hype that is graphical fidelity...

Anytime someone says the graphics are going to be better on a switch game, my brain goes to “ok, what did you sacrifice for this?”  I find that after a few hours my appreciation for graphical quality falls away and performance better hold up.

The bar is so low for Nintendo 

Dude it’s not going to get much cheaper than 80% if it’s a decent title. I wouldn’t sleep on that. 

The Nintendo-can-do-no-wrong crowd is almost as fascinating as the Tesla bros.

The irony is that all the efforts to convince people to boycott the game have only brought more attention to it and made more people likely to buy it. I’m not even talking about the petty tryhards who will buy the game just to spite the people criticizing it. I’m talking about regular people who had little to no

I thought these higher prices went along with newer more powerful consoles. Not ones that are 6 years old. 

It would sting less if they weren’t still selling us brand new games in 2023 designed for underclocked Android tablet hardware from 8 years ago.

First and foremost - thank you for providing a civil and polite argument. I see you and appreciate you.

I see what you’re doing, but all you’re accomplishing is the very thing I’ve called out in my original comment and in other replies below. You’re twisting the issue to make me sound insensitive to the plight of the Trans community when that’s not it at all.

I understand not wanting to support anti-Trans billionaire JK Rowling 1,000%. I’m not defending any part of that revolting cunt’s war on the Trans community.