UI 2.0

Let’s get real for a moment-

Sounds like the developers were just too lazy to implement consequences for the players’ actions which fit the setting. Instead they have a designer give one of the cheapest responses I’ve ever seen about “role-playing” as though the entire point of role playing wasn’t that your choices have consequences.

Rolex isn’t going to lose anything and no one is confusing Oyster & Pop kids clocks with multi-thousand dollar O Y S T E R watches. Come on now.

Yes, but c’mon. No one is confusing Oyster and Pop with Rolex any more than they are confusing them with Oyster Crackers.

It sounds more like the health detriments that come from spending far too much time on a work project

I have a theory that a lot of technophiles (which includes hardcore AI fans and cryptobros) are just like, “neat, new technology, can’t wait to play around with it” and never consider the consequences.

Which is what sci-fi warned us about.

I mean I said it above, but the dude’s name is Bryce. Nothing good has ever come from a dude named ‘Bryce.’

wow, what a lazy gift. Like she wasn’t already bored sick of his babbling about AI for months

You can ask me who my employer is, but I’m not gonna fucking tell you.  Who is your employer?

Bryce “hackdaddy8000” is an intern who works at one of the major Silicon Valley tech companies.


Apple Music confuses the hell out of me. My brother’s family are immersed in Apple Music. My wife and I and our kids all use Spotify Premium.

“ value-driven subscription models” This does not exist. Subscription models in social media revolve around:

Agreed. What’s funny to me is that I think you can trace one of the most reactionary culture war complaints about Last Jedi - Luke Skywalker being a bitter recluse instead of an OP Jedi Master - right back to The Force Awakens, which established that not only was he missing, not only did he allow the First Order to

Don’t even know why they’re doing an eternals 2 It was a flop and no Marvel movie since has even acknowledged the world changing events of the climax of that movie. They’d be better off just sweeping it under the rug and retconning it into an alternate universe side story or something. 

I really liked TLJ and was devastated how much hate it got. There were flaws (like having a setup of being chased but get in and out of that situation too easy) but it all was buried under “Mary Poppins” - “Mary-Sue” - “Emo-Vader” - “not my Luke” and -best of all- online harrasment and real threads of actors.

The first and biggest problem with the 2016 Ghostbusters film was the decision to tell the same story with many of the same story beats, and the second biggest problem is that it was done so poorly.

Its fine not to like last jedi for a variety of reasons, but “bad writing” is one of those that I often challenge because is it actual bad writing or were there just elements that didn’t jibe with a specific audience member? Universally bad writing is in some ways easy to point to, like The Room or the first Suicide Sq

The whole “if you give your money to someone you are responsible for their views” thing is just... ridiculously naive. If anyone believes that, you shouldn’t be on this website, because The Herb and crew still reap any rewards from this site’s success. It’s a sad fact of the world that 90% of all money you spend is,

Because they knew what they were doing... It may cost 1 coin, but since nothing is priced in a number not ending in 00, in effect it costs 100 coins.