UI 2.0

Have you ever thought that maybe the reason Sony wants to block the merger is because they realize Microsoft is talking in double speak like they have just been proven to now?

Very simple.
They canned a planned PS5 version from a studio that they acquired.
Sony doesn’t buy a studio and then take shit from Microsoft, they acquire a studio and plan new games for their own platform.

Well, partially because Sony isn’t buying up major publishers and then making their games platform-exclusive, at least not yet.

Wait, are you trying to tell us that PHIL SPENCER MIGHT LIE TO US?

No, gaslighting based on the score would be if the game told the player all racers were weighted the same, and that the player must be imaging that they’re being penalized for being a certain character. The player “feeling tricked or lied to” doesn’t make it gaslighting. Gaslighting is about convincing the person

Instead, the secret point bonuses led people to feel gaslit about how difficult it was to achieve three stars on lighter characters.

I mentioned it in another reply, but it’s way more difficult to share digital Switch games between systems and I have a family and we have multiple Switches. I set a system as my home system and any profile can play a game I purchase digitally on it. On other systems, only my profile can play it and I have to connect

I ordered a physical copy because I don’t trust Nintendo’s Switch store to be around as long as say Steam or Microsoft Store.

I prefer physical releases because as we’ve learned time and time again, digital is unreliable. Wii U and 3DS eshops are both shutting down in March. I’m not evening against digital releases, but if a company puts out a physial copy, I’m getting the physical, without a doubt. I can also sell it, if I want to in the

Because some of us like to loan it to friends and sell it when we’re done with it. I paid for my Switch by selling my Wii U and a bunch of games when the Switch came out. I don’t understand why people would pay the same to buy it electronically and not be able to sell it.

Pretty crazy that people would pay $100 when you could just buy it for $40 digitally and eventually $40 physically when it restocks. FOMO is wild.

“DMCA mechanics just not works, seems like anybody can claim anything”

Hence why there really needs to be another digital distribution storefront big enough to compete with Steam. Lack of competition leads to complacency and that leads to stagnation in the long rung. After all, why bother making your product better if there is no one else around?

Only thing close to a serious competitor

Shadow of Mordor has a patent on the Nemesis system. Not a copyright. Unless this fan lawyer has the patent for this ‘realistic’ game mode it’s not going to fly

No, it is true. Game mechanics cannot be copyright’d.

Game mechanics, such as a game mode here, are NOT copyrightable. It’s why every game was a battle royale for a while.

Yes.... it seems like a fundamentally broken process.

I imagine there has to be different procedures depending on publisher size etc or something, otherwise every controversial review bombed game would have gotten a DMCA takedown.

This is exactly why game companies decline suggestions and content from fans and non-employees.

As a prior victim of DMCA takedown abuse on YouTube, I thought we had it bad. But if any Joe Schmoe can use it to yoink entire games off storefronts too, then that’s absolutely fucking broken and a nightmare for game devs.

And this is why creatives will not look a fan work.