This confirms that the Villager is the center of the AC universe.
This confirms that the Villager is the center of the AC universe.
Or they can simply go back to ignoring the PC market.
Yeah, I was being cheeky with that comment. PC gamers praises mods to the heaven but often forget that because mods exist are so predominant and built into PC gaming culture it also works against them.
But why spend the money and time, when the PC mod community has been doing such a good job optimizing games for developers?
Yup, that was my first thought when I saw that scene.
Most of my favorite games are more heavier on the story side. Some of my recent favorites barely have any gameplay such as Steins; Gate 0 and Danganronpa 1/2.
ZTD did not live up to all the build up for me. I was sorely disappointed. 999 and VLR were great but ZTD fell short. Something felt lacking to me.
For me it’s the opposite. Nier has a very engaging story and interesting characters.
Yeah, while BotW was detail in its world, it got repetitive and since storytelling has taken an even further backseat compare to other Zelda games. There wasn’t much keeping me tether to the game especially since I’m a story-oriented gamer (I like linear games).
D.Va should be riding a dragon.
I dropped Breath of the Wild to play Nier Automata. I enjoy Nier a lot more.
That’s only for Europe. In the US, you get a code from the retailer.
Unlike the 360 and PS3 the WiiU was pretty much dead even before the Switch and outside the Kickstarter backer, it would not sell too many additional copies.
Sorta, BlkAgumon and BlkGabumon evolution line up to Omegamon Zwart are virus type. While lookwise, they’re color variants, ability/type wise, they are different.
That is correct. However, they might release it to everyone once Hacker’s Memory is out since according to the Japanese description about the game, there might be some kind of cross-play feature between Cyber Sleuth and Hacker’s Memory and the exclusive DLC being available to all.
Fair enough. However, I just think it’s a bit unfair to say it was handle lazily since there is no easy and economically feasible solution to the issue.
The thing with Bandai Namco is that they keep their word when they say something is a preorder exclusive unlike most publishers. I hate it and love it. I hate it because if I don’t preorder it, then I miss out. I love it because if I do preorder and get it, then I have something sorta unique.
Yeah, but it really wouldn’t have affected BN choice to possibly use only a male character (could still include a female) this time around.
It’s hard to say. Some people love the story, some don’t. It’s a little bit tropey like most JRPG but I loved it. It’s definitely a Digimon story at the core.