UI 2.0


Because Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory is the only game on the PS4. /s

Or get a PS4.

That was a localization issue. This was not an issue in the Japanese dialogues and text.

A few people I know always joke around about carrying mugger money (~$20) just in case out of the blue, a mugger holds you up at gunpoint. A lot of times, it’s better to give them what they want especially if it’s something replaceable and hope they leave you alone after that.

EDIT: Also, Vita games are pretty much always cheaper than PS4 games, and those are on proprietary cartridges, too.

And far fewer people will be able to justify the $40 price tag.

It’s been confirmed.

I think the other issue is that so many people are trying to live above their mean, and keep up with the Jones.

But what if you’ve unlocked every trophy but the buy trophy trophy, and the platinum trophy.

Like shit.

No, that only applies to 360. On Xbox One, you lose access if you let your subscription lapse.

Yeah, my reason is pretty much the same. I think I stopped going on Fakku about 3 or 4 years ago.

Why not shop at other retailers? Best Buy GCU and Amazon Prime give 20% off. They also do trade in.

Thank you for the clarification. I am aware of integrity in relation to programming however the article seem to have framed it as a morality issue. So I read the quote in meaning of the moral sense.

By the wording, the ROM he’s referring to is the edited copy.

Yeah, but that quote is in reference to the edited copy. He can’t claim the integrity of the edited copy is good especially when he, a third party, is doing the edit.

Buy up old PC/dev kits. Then dig through the data that may still exist on the harddrive.

“The integrity of the ROM is good,” TheRealPhoenix said. “There are real alterations but [they are] harmless.”