UI 2.0

Ohhhh, I’ll be sure to get that trophy and share it.

That’s my guess too.

It’s not impressive since both players have to play on Xbox One due to EA and MS partnership. So the PlayStation player is already handicap from the start due to using an unfamiliar controller.

Mei and Mercy Nendoroid are next.

What anime is that from?

Yeah, I bought one Funkopop and never again. I bought one Nendoroid and now I have over 20 (I had to stop because it was consuming me).

After opening nearly 160 boxes for this event, I got 6 D.Va Lunar New Year skins. In the end, I was missing Winston, Roadhog, and Luna Mei and spent coins on those. I was also missing a few sprays and voice lines. Got a lot of regular legendaries.

She was arguably always a *****. She is obsessed with Madoka and pretty much a yandere. Honestly, the whole series happen was because of her obsession.

Symmetra with the Power Glove.

That’s not how it works. The wifi login portals are to authentic your device, ToS agreement, and registered it onto the network. Companies aren’t going to allow you to just use their wifi without you accepting the terms because they don’t want to be liable for piracy or whatnot.

But it doesn’t invalidate mine either. At this point, we can only agree to disagree.

Thing about Sombra is she takes a lot of practice and skill to do well. A lot more than pretty much any other character in the game, probably by a long shot.

Yeah, the most satisfying plays as Sombra is denying other players of their abilities or health pack, then watch them get plucked off either by you or your teammates.

I never said spaghetti isn’t a noodle, just not ones you use with soup due to the texture and firmness.

Yeah, she’s really fun to play but I don’t think most people know how to take advantage of her abilities.

That’s why I said Soup Noodles. Spaghetti is not a noodle you use in soup broth.

This too. Now that you mention it, I never realize I did this subconsciously.

Soup Noodles are specifically made to be eaten via slurping though. It’s how you get the flavoring and noodle together at once without one overpowering the other.

Fair enough with the article but it still taste better slurping.

It switched for the worse. My FB feed blew up on the upset. I guess if you’re a Pats fan, you’ll feel more of a positive vibe for the Switch.