UI 2.0

I’m Asian too, and eat it regularly, your point? I’ve eaten them both ways and slurping is better. Slurping combines the broth and noodles together in a way that makes it more flavorful.

Then you have not truly eat soup based noodles. You can’t truly enjoy it without slurping.

The trick I use is to use the spoon and lift the broth/noodle closer to your mouth. It’s smaller portion but it’s easier than lifting the whole bowl/burying your face into the bowl.

Yeah, I tried the beta. It plays okay but nothing really stuck out at me. If you like the whole edgy teenager art style, you might enjoy it but otherwise, it’s just another TPS.

Pftttt, that sounds like good management you’re suggesting.

Another feature not mention in the blog, is PS4 Pro Boost Support on Older Games.

I see I see.

I really need to know what each Kotaku staff Pottomore sorting hat results are. It’s for science.

Oh, great to know, and here I thought I had to rush to Altissa.

You can do that on amazon. Just buy gift card and keep applying GC balance to it.

But defense is pretty important since the distance between your flag and the enemy flag isn’t too far. So the moment you capture a flag, it’s pretty easy to get back to your own base especially with characters like tracer and sombra.

He edited the comment to a .

This has nothing to do with my comment at all.

Sure he has more traversal route but he got lucky that the enemy defense is completely lacking. As Sombra, it’s very easy to slip behind enemy line but clearing the area, and capturing the flag is the hard part..

The Scorpio feels like it’s trying to pick up on what Steambox failed.

Not a whole lot since the Vita is capable of party chat.

Even the Vita had built in party chat.

Sadly no, I’ve taken some programming classes but it wasn’t for me.

My solution, I just read the wiki plot.

Between all the events, I’ve dropped about $220. Yesterday, I ordered $80 in battle net card for $65 (thank you ebay for $15 off $75).