UI 2.0

Another approach could be the owner lost his/her memory, and now trying to reconstruct his/her identity by going through the phone. The ending will leave the player to decide what he/she wants to be.

I noticed the connection right away. While I think the skins are well done, I thought it was tacky and odd that they threw it in with the CNY event when “Journey to the West” has nothing to do with CNY at all.

I think the mechanics are fine, but it’s the map. The maps are not built for CTF.

I love most of the skin for Chinese New Year. I’m still missing Ana, Tracer, Zenyatta, Roadhog, Winston, Reindhart, and Red Mei.

Yeah, the sequel is not made by Level 5.

That’s a really good idea. Good on MS.

Unless it’s void of anything worth reading, no. Politics will exist as long as their is conflicting ideals.

This reminds me of when I was doing a project about video game market breakdown, and my professor didn’t quite believe that female gamers do hold a significant share for facebook games at the time (aka the equivalent of smartphone games before smartphone became mainstream).

Yes there is but that tech is used more commonly for TV not small screens such as smartphone/tablets. It would be cheaper to use OLED for smalls screen. So for the subject matter on small screen, this wouldn’t be the case.

Dark theme only save power on OLED screens, not for LED.

I thought we were getting some full fledged title of Super Cult Tycoon 2: Deluxe Edition.

I wouldn’t have gotten Battleborn regardless if Overwatch existed or not. I saw the trailer when it was first announced and instantly forgot about it.

“Ten reasons why Nintendo piece of paper can run FFXV.”

You should check out the NintendoSwitch subreddit. So much mental gymnastics, it could be an Olympic sport.

It’s in Nintendo’s DNA to find a way to attach good ideas with a bizarre head-scratching catch.

There goes another $40 at least.

Yeah, I have no opposition to changing up team composition. It’s why I make sure I’m good with at least two characters from each roles oppose to mastery of one character.

I should clarify. My point is that if the payload isn’t moving, staying as Widow generally isn’t going to be much of a help since she needs distance away from the payload to be slightly effective.

It’s a team game. What you are suggesting is the very definition of poor sportsmanship.

I play on PC. Block is just for communication. They use to have an option for avoiding certain player but good players were facing longer match searching time because crappy players always block them, so Blizzard removed it.