
You’re just baiting us with this post, ain’t ya?

Got to say, I grew up thinking that space exploration was just the coolest thing ever. But now that all these smarmy, greasy billionaires have got their grubby little paws all over it - it’s started to feel pretty lame.

Eh, that was a tongue in cheek sort of thing, really.  This is considerably more fucked up.

It’s hard to say, but if memory serves, they did prematurely drop ballast prior to the implosion, suggesting something may have been amiss and they were attempting to re-surface.

I regret to inform you that your list of Tesla models to avoid is woefully incomplete.

I feel sorry for Suleman Dawood, the nineteen yr old, he was basically guilt tripped into being there with his dad. The rest of them were grown ass adults who oughta have known better, but they dragged a kid along with them to his death.

This is what happens when you have someone with too much money and not enough sense in charge of things that ignores the rules.”

That is irrelevant to the truck, that is just Massachusetts drivers.

Perhaps there are some missing details but it doesn’t sound like he tried to use it as a trade for something else. It sounds like he went back and tried to just get a refund. As anyone who has ever bought a car knows, you can’t just drive it around for a while and then bring it back to the dealer and get a refund.

I keep a handful of business cards for one of those “We Buy Junk Cars for Cash” places in my glovebox just in case I see one of these parked nearby. Figure they could use the awareness.

Saying violence is never a good idea ignores that in a justified position, violence is the last resort. It should not be approached glibly, but to deny its power is saying the status quo cares for people and justice, and we know that isn’t the truth. But I digress.

Remember back when Tesla tried to say if you wanted to sell a Cybertruck, you HAD to give Tesla rights of first refusal at MSRP? We’ve come a long way, they were originally worried about people flipping these things and now they realize nobody fucking wants ‘em. Of course Tesla doesn’t want it back; they’ve got

“I tried to trade in the truck because of that, but Tesla said they won’t accept it!”

The people who have reported a full-body blemish after removing their wraps would dispute your conclusion.

Crevice corrosion is indeed a thing, but it still needs water for it to occur. Not very likely, directly under layer of sticker adhesive and plastic.

The Cybertruck shenanigans have exhausted my supplies of snark and schadenfreude.

Anode you were being serious...iron gunna argue with yer facts.  

Get out of here and take your well-developed understanding of physics with you, this is Trump’s America now. Those aren’t stains. They’re MAGA Marks, they’re supposed to be there, and anyone who doesn’t have them is a beta cuck or whatever they like to call everyone they don’t like these days.

Metallurgists call it corrosion resistant steel, not stainless, which was more of a trade name for high chromium steel.