Same; I saw this as an impressionable ten-year old who already had a car obsession and loved stop-motion. Life changing! Or perhaps merely life confirming.
Same; I saw this as an impressionable ten-year old who already had a car obsession and loved stop-motion. Life changing! Or perhaps merely life confirming.
Is there a message board for first gen Hyundai Elantra Tourings? (the station wagon which is actually a rebadged i30) I want one but someone told me the transmissions are made from glass; need an automatic b/c spouse.
Ooooohhhh that’s rich and I need to get on this.
100 percent. Everyone aspiring to the same dozen cars is fantastically boring; importing something unusual is where it’s at. It’s a quarter of the price, and you will get to enjoy something you’ve never even seen before.
I want someone to make a movie called Fisker, along the lines of Tucker. We can blame Elon for all of Fisker’s f-ups, rather than the Big Three. Does the Ocean have a helicopter engine as well?
Other things that help regular people are stability and predictability in government (assuming a government which wants the best...); both of which require long-term collaboration between the parties.
I just built a snap-lock 1/32 Subaru Sambar with my four-year-old son. He loves it, too, but three days later it is missing all its wheels and most other parts that project even a tiny bit.
My car is a ‘93 Honda, my wife dailies a ‘96 Toyota, and we keep an ‘03 Ford Focus around in case the other two have issues. But only the Ford ever breaks, of course.
Winner, winner, pancake dinner.
Policies swinging wildly every four years makes planning nearly impossible, which certainly does not help establishing manufacturing bases in this country.
Did I miss the Fourth Reich?
1987 Chevrolet Turbo Sprint, bought in 1995 for $2,200. Loved that car. Sold it to my brother after many years (and one replacement engine) for $1,500, he ran it into the ground and “forgot it” in an apartment parking lot while delivering pizza. Bought another one just like it decades later, but it was a basket case.
Neglect until the point that only a single minivan is left and then announcing that they’re discontinuing that.
Nuke means destroy, sell means to sell.
I wonder how much of the sales increase stems from discounts to move the stock? Anyhow, I hope Hodge is correct and I hope someone else enters this segment.
I deal with these agencies and struggle against them every day, and I will still defend them a tiny bit: they are typically trying to do well, but they are a) underfunded, b) incompetent, and c) unable to target the wealthy.
I would say don’t forget the internet archive, but Brewster Kale seems hellbent on sinking his own ship by deliberately violating copyright laws. Shaking my head.
I’d like to see proof that the Loop has ever even moved 4000 passengers in an entire 24-hour period.