
I have been on the internets and BBSes since 1982. I don’t think snuff porn is a “thing”. I’ve never seen any. Of course, I haven’t been looking for it, but it hasn’t been one of the categories of any site I’ve ever visited in my research endeavors.

Also these kids:

Republicans didn’t win the white house in 2014?

The logistics are different in New York. Most places that get a lot of snow can run a plow down the roadway to keep it clear. That is pretty quick, and can keep up with even heavy snowfall. In New York, there is nowhere for the snow to go on the roadside. They can’t just remove the snow from the roads, they have to

Though in your link itself they acknowledge that it’s a matter of scale (Helsinki has <600,000 residents and only has ~600 landings/take-offs per day).

“climatologist Peter Glacier”

“Why is there no oversight?”

The GOP has been slashing budgets for virtually any kind of oversight anywhere and hence, there is virtually *no oversight* left.

Since you seem to also not really understand how Due Process works, let me clarify something for you:

It’s great to hear from another person about why they liked the prequels. People forget that we were all wrapped up in the prequel craze when they first appeared.

Yeah, so did I. I remember being a Freshman in college, before YouTube and Google and instant, easy access to things like new movie trailers, and watching the trailer for The Phantom Menace in my neighbors dormroom for the first time. It was grainy and low quality, but the line, “Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi Wan

For movies that “nobody liked” they sure made a ton of money.

MINOR SPOILERS HERE! Nothing too serious, or anything more than the original post, but just giving due warning.

Contrary to popular belief, Stormtroopers have pretty great aim. Lets look at the OT
1) The attack on the Tantive IV - Decisive win for the troopers

Cousins. Rey is Luke’s daughter, no question in my mind.

That’s my guess, too. When Rey had those images flash through her head as she touched the light saber, I told my husband, “She HAS to be Luke’s daughter!”. And when Rylo couldn't call the saber but Rey could, that confirmed it to me.

I know that everything I’ve said is true, no matter how crazy it sounds, because I’ve conducted urine cake consumption tests on myself for more than 20 years.

Yeah, women aren’t the equivalent of fresh food and sunlight. We aren’t one of the ingredients needed for a healthy lifestyle.

Well, bully for you. I, for one, am bothered by the fact that there are people who can dehumanize and violate these women for an entire year with absolutely no common decency or conscience. And the fact that they sold the videos, and clearly the videos were bought by god knows how many others, possibly posted on the