
The logistics are different in New York. Most places that get a lot of snow can run a plow down the roadway to keep it clear. That is pretty quick, and can keep up with even heavy snowfall. In New York, there is nowhere for the snow to go on the roadside. They can’t just remove the snow from the roads, they have to

Though in your link itself they acknowledge that it’s a matter of scale (Helsinki has <600,000 residents and only has ~600 landings/take-offs per day).

“Why is there no oversight?”

The GOP has been slashing budgets for virtually any kind of oversight anywhere and hence, there is virtually *no oversight* left.

Since you seem to also not really understand how Due Process works, let me clarify something for you:

I’m a cop in an area with plenty of rural spots and I have no problem with someone doing this. Here’s what I ask people to do: call 911, put on your flashers, and turn on your interior light. At that point, it’s very clear to me that you acknowledge the stop, aren’t trying to run, and recognize my need for safety.

Good luck. I’m not sure what I would do in a similar situation. I would probably try to be tactful at first, and say, “Well, a jury of his peers found him guilty...” And then move onto, “Listen, if he didn’t want to go to jail, he should have considered the consequences of his actions before he raped all those women.

Yeah, women aren’t the equivalent of fresh food and sunlight. We aren’t one of the ingredients needed for a healthy lifestyle.

Well, bully for you. I, for one, am bothered by the fact that there are people who can dehumanize and violate these women for an entire year with absolutely no common decency or conscience. And the fact that they sold the videos, and clearly the videos were bought by god knows how many others, possibly posted on the

I get always get stuck on the inhumanity and lack of common decency. You’ve signed up to fight, and possibly die for your country but your gravitas and sense of honor doesn’t extend far enough to not pull Porky’s style bullshit on YOUR FELLOW crew member ?

Hold up... I thought Lucas got bought out. She killed him? I mean, I didn’t like the prequels either, but that seems harsh, Carrie.

I feel like....I should hug you...but I’m also scared

This is totally legit and they should get the money they are owed. Everyone shits on actors and tries to not pay them and as a vital part of the process, I hope they win. They deserve money from the show, completely.

You seem emotional. Maybe you should take a walk and calm down.

Oh, absolutely, it’s so much worse! And not just because it’s manipulation, but because it completely undermines what feminism and a feminist is. It’s a huge reason why there’s so much skepticism about male feminists. It’s just another wedge driving us all apart and the fact that it’s happening in an attempt to get a

I find it worse than straight forward pressure because it’s so manipulative.

I think part of it is to reconcile the fact that whatever reaction comes from those tweets is not your responsibility. Believing Stoya and supporting her isn’t adding anything negative to the situation. What other people end up saying about him, dragging him through the mud, that has nothing to do with your positive

I have mixed feelings that make me feel bad too.

You are being reasonable. It’s hard to do on a subject like this. We feel sympathy for the victims, and know that false rape accusations are statically low.

But on the same hand, statistic and a twitter post don’t make someone guilty. There is the chance he’s not guilty.

Yeah, I’m uncomfortable with the argument that it’s our responsibility as bystanders to believe her right off the bat. No, it’s our responsibility to react in a way that doesn’t make her regret coming forward and doesn’t deter other victims from doing the same. If people choose to believe her that’s absolutely fine,

What would be corroborating evidence? It often doesn’t exist in rape cases. When it comes to people who work in porn I can see why she wouldn’t have gone to the police, since that appears to be the case. Law enforcement does not have a good track record in rape cases in general. He was her boyfriend when the rape is