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Most people, including big fans, don’t know that Jabba originally WAS a human being and that scene was initially shot with the human actor playing the role as originally intended. The scene was cut, and when Jabba was eventually shown on camera in ROTJ, his character was no longer a human but instead the handsome

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This immediately made me think of Superman (the first Christopher Reeves film) and the crystals they used on Krypton and later in his Fortress of Solitude. Long term storage. Endures harsh conditions. Relatively high density of information (the collective knowledge of an advanced planet in at least somewhat

I had a pediatrician named Dr. Dick. And no, that was his last name.

Totally. And by “lighten up,” I really meant that we need to have realistic expectations for what Star Wars is and what it’s able to give us. If ANY of the films took themselves too seriously or were filled with unnecessarily profound dialogue, they would just as quickly be lamented for that.

Yeah, so did I. I remember being a Freshman in college, before YouTube and Google and instant, easy access to things like new movie trailers, and watching the trailer for The Phantom Menace in my neighbors dormroom for the first time. It was grainy and low quality, but the line, “Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi Wan

Well, yeah, obviously.

What are you talking about? You should probably reread what I wrote rather than assume that you know what I said. It’s flattering that you’re now following my comments to try and disparage me elsewhere because I disagreed with you on another post. Very mature of you.

It has NOTHING to do with being a woman, nor did I ever say “irrational woman.” But it’s nice to know that in your world, women can never be irrational. Nice way to deflect from addressing the actual point. You have nothing constructive or even intelligent to say, so you cling to anything else you can find, even if

Except no one ever said anything about changing any core beliefs. Only wanting to distance themselves from those who also claim to share those beliefs but choose to use those beliefs to justify spewing vitriol and personal attacks in a mass generalization against an entire group with complete disregard of reality.

Oh, absolutely, it’s so much worse! And not just because it’s manipulation, but because it completely undermines what feminism and a feminist is. It’s a huge reason why there’s so much skepticism about male feminists. It’s just another wedge driving us all apart and the fact that it’s happening in an attempt to get a

This. Yes.

That’s so fucking ridiculous and awful that I don’t even want to believe that it’s true. Have we really sunk that low? Was this the general rule? I don’t even know how to react to this. I’m a combination of both angry and ashamed.

Wow! How eloquent of you! A personal attack literally lacking any argument to defend your position. I’m curious, were you elected to determine who is and isn’t a “shitty” feminist? Can you provide me with the list of qualifications of what makes someone a shitty feminist and a not shitty feminist? Do I need to

I am amazed at the amount of similarity I share with you, only my little feminist to be is turning 2 in A few days. And I couldn’t agree with you more. Only you said what I was thinking much more eloquently than I could have at this hour. Thank you!

The overtness of the double standard is seriously ridiculous. I mean, do I enjoy (or even spend much time) thinking about a woman’s menstruation? No. I don’t think anyone, even most women, like thinking about it. You know what else I don’t like thinking about? Men getting HIV from copious amounts of methamphetamine

So, somehow these incredibly convincing and totally original scam bots (they are still bots, right?) continue to make it outta the greys, and yet even though I linked to my awesome Google+ account, added a real avatar, and stay fairly active (I mostly just star the stuff I like as grey words make me feel like I let

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It also totally reminded me of this. Rad article. I will never forget when the Hurdy Gurdy Man came to my grammar school.

Damnit. I just posted this before I saw yours. Kudos for beating me to it!