
This is the kind of statement that moves me further away from the feminist movement. I’m male, a feminist, son of feminist parents, husband to a feminist, father of a 20 mo feminist-to-be. Yet every article here, every posting on NARAL and PP’s fb, ig, twitter, are loaded with comments from women who condemn all men

Thank you so much for saying this.

LOL chickie-pie.

Not just consent, but basic communication. Combine a guy who thinks he’s supposed to make a move with a lack of education on how to talk about what he wants, she wants, they want, etc.- both of which are unbelievably common traits, especially when they’re young- and, yeah, most guys are capable of crossing some

I was with you until the last bit. That is such a horrible, massive generalization that has no bit of merit to it.

The husband just released this statement. I’m just about in tears because he seems so genuinely NICE and in love with her:

I live in Indianapolis and this is ALL the media has been posting about since it happened. Many people even blamed the husband for the death in the beginning. I will say - the husband has taken this opportunity to preach about God in a totally non-threatening way. This couple isn’t like the bullshit vlogging couple we


I’ve always heard James Taylor as often as Beatty.

Traveling for work sucks. Some of these people spend 200+ days a year traveling, barely get to see their family, and essentially live their lives in a mishmash of cities where they have no social connections or time to make them. And now some of the few perks that make that lifestyle a bit better are going away and

I don’t see them comparing their problems to people with actual suffering. They are just saying that it sucks and I think it quite possibly could suck. If you spent all your time flying a specific airline, then all the sudden it merged, and you lost a convenience that greatly helped your day to day life, it would be a

Or they’re regular people that have to travel for a living and want some niceties for being away from home so often. Having these perks makes travelling for work a bit more livable.

When poor people complain about elements of their jobs like lack of health insurance, inconsistent hours or low pay they are told to get more education and get a better job. Perhaps that would also help those whose largest work related problem is their hotel loyalty program.

Yeah, I can’t be outraged about this. They’re being a bit pouty and dramatic when they first find out, that’s allowed. Maybe if one takes up a public crusade against the merger and never shuts up about it and compares themselves to actual suffering people it I’ll change my mind, but for now...pout away.

Sure, there are bigger battles to fight, but if you are someone who does spend a 100 nights a year in a hotel and a couple of hundred thousand miles a year with your butt in an airplane seat (I do neither of those things any longer), the perks of elite status do matter.

That person up top doing this is the ultimate piece of shit. I guess you gotta aspire to something.

I also like how everyone living in New York lives here just to be “trendy.” Uh huh.

Now playing

Shut the fuck up. This is not an isolated situation in the US. Workers have no protections, fewer rights, and minuscule wages — though the 1% has seen obscene increases in wealth since 2008 (and since the 1970s overall). What about the father not having health benefits at his work? What about a longer maternity leave?

Problem with healthcare, with the disappearing middle class, unsubsidized child care which can lead to compromises for something you can afford...