
I’m always surprised by the contestants (men or women) being upset about anything that happens on this show. Yes, Arie is gross and maybe emotionally manipulative, but the basis of this entire show is emotional manipulation! All these women including all of the Beccas and all of the Laurens signed up to ‘fall in love’

Or he’s just digging for that validation as the desirable man. You’re supposed to beg to “talk” so he can passively double-down on making you feel like shit because “you’re not the one, it’s the other one over here.”

I cannot BELIEVE how restrained Becca was during that whole breakup. I would have been screaming, bawling, throwing things, fucking jumping off the deck to get away from him and the cameras. She seemed hyperaware of the presence of the cameras and was able to really keep it together. No way could I have been

I already disliked Arie, but I nearly raged stroke at the way he repeatedly violated Becca’s boundaries in that stupid “unedited” scene. She spent a good 15-20 minutes walking away from him, retreating to other parts of the house, and saying: “please leave” “go away” “leave me alone” “I want to be alone” and “don’t


Becca is a saint I would have been cursing everybody out Arie would not have been following me around cause I would have yelled at him to fuck off when he knocked on the bathroom door....I cannot believe he was so damn heartless with that break up! I never want to hear about Peter being indecisive again after this.

I love that Arie is so dumb that he went along with the public breakup. I’m sure ABC pressured him to do it on TV but what kind of idiot goes along with that? Lots of Bachelors breakup with their chosen one shortly after. They don’t do it live because they know it will make them look like total a-holes.


Chris Harrison is the devil and I won’t hear any other opinions on the matter.

It was excruciating to watch. But I think Arie stayed because even after all this, he still expected Becca to somehow tell him its ok and make him feel better about it. No dude, you broke her heart, went back on your promise to marry her, and you straight up admitted to being dishonest with her. And you agreed to do

Becca: I want you to leave

Hmmmm.... I think I picked the wrong girl.... I think I’ll break up with her on national television...... that’s a good idea.

I knew it was coming because I am a Reality Steve junkie but damn. That was so painful to watch. Arie is a complete piece of shit to do that to Becca publicly. If he wasn’t feeling the relationship, fine. But do that shit privately for her sake. I hope Lauren wises up and breaks up with him. He doesn’t deserve

Chris Harrison is a real life Caesar Flickerman

calling it “unpatriotic” …

You’d have to be a real sick f*ck to think it’s even remotely appropriate to display a lynching in an elementary school.

“I also deeply regret that this ground-breaking show, which changed so many lives, is now in jeopardy. That, to me, is the biggest heartbreak.”

If you see a house you’ve seen on tv, say “oh, it’s the house from [tv-show]!”, and then move on. Don’t rent cranes, don’t throw pizzas, don’t be WEIRD. Seriously, it’s just a house you saw on tv

Anyone else stuck in this weird spot where you’re generally happy/hopeful about the direction your own life specifically is headed, but the state of the world and the direction its heading constantly drags you down, so you want to just completely ignore and shut out the news, but you feel an obligation to keep

Weird. We should be happy with all of the winning we keep hearing about.