
Nah, it’s easier to blame people that aren’t white, and praise white people for exercising their 2nd Amendment rights or make them look like a martyr. Boom, more arrested/dead innocents that make me feel uneasy and I don’t have to pay a dime towards care! Soul? What’s that? More of your expensive wine please!

This article is wrong.

“ Sure, we did not successfully return the goose to human form, but he wasn’t a goose anymore, and that’s kind of the same thing.”

He has nothing else to do! Yesterday a reporter politely asked him how it is that he’s the President’s right hand person and next highest up in the administration, but is always one of the last people to know about White House developments. The man is an idiot who has nothing to do with running the country so he gets

“I went to great effort and travelled around the world and I am attending the Olympic Games IN your country but I will NOT stand up when your team arrives. THAT’S HOW I SHOW I MEAN BUSINESS.”

I thought the same. I don’t remember VP Biden trotting off to the Olympics, and in 2010 they were in Vancouver and 2012 London, which must have been fun. Sochi 2014, not so much, but at least it was nice and warm for a Winter Olympics and our “Uncle Joe” could have grabbed a photo of himself with a statue of the other

I thought it was to give stern looks? Remember how he solved the Korea crisis by sternly looking across the DMZ? Just like how Jared has solved the Middle East?

That Pence shit, thought... why fucking go? Is his official job to go to sporting events and get pissed off?

I’m referring to the radicalized nature of the Tea Party.

The problem is we can’t, because as obvious as they are about being crooks, *their messaging works*.

Because so much of leftist politics right now is about getting their turn at the wheel. Much like the GOP they say they despise, they don’t actually want people to govern. They want a thinly veiled autocracy where the majority party just rams all the policy stuff they want through without thinking of consequence or

It’s like when I try to get a lot of my friends to watch a John Oliver segment. Even when it’s funny, and about something really important (like retirement savings or *fucking bridges*), a lot of them still zone out and decide that kinda stuff is boring. And he’s not even doing a deep dive on stuff.

No, a government shutdown gives Republicans ammo and hurts a lot of poor people.

Yup. The Democrats struggle is explaining macro policies on a micro level, to a public who doesn’t want to know why doing A+B along with C+D will eventually mean that E, F, and G will happen, provided a random Z doesn’t screw things up, and why you always have to account for Q.

The Tea Party movement was fueled by racism, homophobia, and anti-government sentiment.

“Do they have the guts to have a prolonged shutdown of the government to force the GOP to do a thing that they have no incentive to do, no motive to do, no reason to do, and every reason to fucking ignore as more and more of the American public, particularly those who work in government, find more and more reasons to

“I’m Mildly Annoyed by a Thing One Democrat Said” is a worse headline.

This writer is not smart. The single politician quoted, somehow speaking for the entire party, is doing his damnest do avoid saying that Dems will run on raising taxes, which is exactly what balance is, and exactly how Reps will paint it if he said anything else.

Uh, I dunno if the Tea Party is the comparison you want to make.

Yeah, that worked out great for the country. Let’s have another one!