
There’s a difference between telling you what to think, and the film having its own point of view (you know, what he *actually* said). Don't be so simplistic.

October fucking 4th and we’re seeing reviews now? WTF? I hate this, I want to see the movie now.

Oh, they’ve already started and already started telling us that we won’t like because our precious childhood memories can’t handle it.  No wonder Zack Snyder’s their fucking hero.

Also, I feel like they’ll never come out and say it, but Joker has to have some kind of supernatural component to him. Like you and others have said, he just is. He’s more like a force than a person.

I’m not actually sure there is a canonical answer. The Joker has actually been a lot of different people with different origins depending on which Batman stories you are talking about. But I think most of the time it's not important. He's just The Joker.

Sure, but then making the movie about the Joker feels like a con to me to make people more interested in a movie that otherwise wouldn't be that interesting. Which is what sounds like happened. 

And demonizing mental illness in the process. Good job, filmmakers (/s).

Yet, the intended shock value is slightly offset by the film’s insinuation that Arthur is, even partially, justified. Others characters are threatening him. They’re bullying him. What choice does he have but to retaliate with a vengeance?“

If Joker wasn’t called “Joker,” you’d never know it was a DC movie.”

And that’s something that made Heath Ledger’s Joker in The Dark Knight so fucking compelling, effective, disturbing, and spot-on. Seems that they’re doing this same sort of idea in different format of plot and character development, which is quite exciting.

If Joker wasn’t called “Joker,” you’d never know it was a DC movie.

Wow. A lot of real winners this week.

Penny Arcade over there with too real truth bombs.

Well, he’s not wrong. A cautious, walking Ganondorf main tend to be very scary. Ganondorf is a punish fighter and exploiting aggression is what he does best.

The character meeting the resistance leader is one of the shortest races, and the leader is the tallest, so it is like looking up a skyscraper. Mega Man at the top references the title screen of Mega Man 3, where he stands at the top of a skyscraper while a bad-ass theme plays. The rabbit ears are those of the

Once again, I am flabbergasted, gobsmacked and just plain incredulous that all those anti-vaxxers prefer a dead child over an autistic one.

If you don’t vaccinate your child you are an asshole.

No, they should have to follow the law. If this bill passes, they should be punished for non-compliance. It isn’t okay to just let them go off and form their own separate society where they don’t have to obey the rules. Why? For starters, children born into those types of communities have no choice of their own in

These people are disgusting. Your “choice” infringes on the entire population. Your personal liberty to become infected and spread disease is dangerous. You don’t live in a bubble and you’re denying us the liberty to live happy and healthy lives due to your gullibility in buying into misinformation.

...antivaxxers would “move out of the state, or go underground, but they will not comply.”