
I mean without Link having the ability to fucking turn back time whenever he wants, the mask did throw a goddamn moon into the planet. That’s pretty fucking powerful. Ganondorf had 7 years with the triforce of power in OoT and he couldn’t even take out more than Castle Town. In WW he sits up in his singular tower

Played so many hours of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 as a kid. I remember having the same challenges any time I’d try to create my own coasters and having them all be too “Extreme”, until I figured out the key.

Eh, for what it’s worth, the article got picked up by the Google news algorithm not long after publication, which meant it was getting dumped directly into the feed of every Google user who has an alert setup for “Elon Musk.” For one thing, that’s a lot of people, only a very tiny fraction of whom are regular Deadspin

Always nice to be lectured by dudes who literally don’t know what a “fact” is.

Right, the TeslaTunnel doesn’t solve any problem no matter how much Musk thinks it does. It is essentially a very expensive private road.

Well right, and measuring the straight-line speed of one vehicle passing through the tunnel doesn’t really tell you anything. The relevant speed figure is how many riders it can move along per unit of time. In which case, in order to make one-car-at-a-time faster than, say, the DC Metro, that car would have to be

I’ve banned a lot of people in my 10+ years working video game support, so I’ll submit two stories, both from the same company:

Pass. 3DS still has a good few years left in it I think. I’m sure Pokemon’s gonna come to it as well as the Switch in some way next year.

Saying you value reason over emotion strikes me as a way to justify doing things that benefit you but that other people (rightly) find upsetting. Or even that you find upsetting. It’s like “Sure, it upset me to put Jews in ovens. No one could see such suffering and not be moved. But if you read ‘Mein Kampf’ you’ll

Yeah. I think I used to believe that conservatives were the ones using reason when I was a kid, but as I grew up, that changed. I learned that I got that opinion because I was surrounded by conservative adults who would cite cherry-picked statistics or anecdotes to support their case, while only presenting liberals as

one of my very old friends read ayn rand in high school and that’s where her intellectual growth stopped, she loves saying she makes decisions based on logic and not emotions. bitch, you make decisions based on BEER and nothing else

Still, it’s fun to get a conservative talking and watch the look on their face slowly change as they realize who’s the one telling the other “how the world really works,” and who’s being irrational.

It’s the central grift of the so-called Intellectual Dark Web. That they’re telling secret truths revealed by hard reasoning, rather than telling you what you want to hear and asking for money.

My political evolution happened over time as I came to realize that I valued truth and reason over narrative and emotion.

To be fair, asking “Why would anyone choose to be a conservative?” is a VERY good question. 

First thing that came to my mind was the Korrasami fans. So many talented artists found themselves in that or just drew it a lot. And of course, there is smut. But it often is smut with heart.

Yup, this is pretty much the end for the lgbtq/fandom side of the site which is a big portion, hell maybe even the entire creative side. The lgbt blogs are assuming that this is another step towards them getting banned, they’re already getting flagged as adult only more often than other blogs(like on YouTube). And


A lot of these changes sound like they’d genuinely make the game more fun to a long term player like me (i know it wont for everyone), but a lot of us can play any pokemon game in our sleep right now. I’m in between a casual and hardcore player, I play pretty much every game and do a lot of grinding, but I don’t breed