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    It does sound interesting but definitely not my kind of film. I’m into superheros stuff for the fantastical and not the mundane, more how the fantasical affects the mundane and vice-versa, so this being more of a character study means it’s sadly not for me. Hope others enjoy it, tho.

    No, but a lot of prominent ones are. Antivaxxers actually run a gamut of rich to poor, various races, various cultures. What happens is someone manages to find the thread that works—for rich white people it’s claiming vaccines make you autistic, for the ultrareligious it’s usually* that their holy text doesn’t mention

    Yep. There are now help sites for kids who know they should be vaccinated but whose parents won’t let them so the kids know their options--not a lot unless emancipated or turn 18, sadly. The kids have done nothing wrong.

    Yep. Tons of utterly non-explicit LGBT stuff has already been flagged. As has a screenshot of Mario in his bathing suit from Super Mario Odyssey. Kirby in a jail cell on a post making fun of the ban. Illustrations of dinosaurs fighting. A random pic of the Achievement Hunter guys in a car.

    Yeah, I think I’m personally going to have fun with the candies but I can see other people not liking them. But as a spin-off, I think I’ll like it. Hyrule Warriors is the only game I’m really playing at all right now, so this and Smash Ultimate should give me more stuff to do in my downtime.

    Seconded. I’ve worked at craft stores and one of the biggest thefts of the year was sticker aisle around graduation time. Kids wanted them for their hats. Of course, you can’t really lock up the stickers, the pegs aren’t made for it and they’re cheap as all hell (though the big rhinestone sticker sheets were like

    Yeah, my dad had a nice little apron collection for years. Since he wears sweats around the house more (because his new job requires suits all day every day) he’s given up on it for all but frying things.

    Plus while they CAN be sterilized I’ve talked to some people that use them and they’re pretty hard to clean. Paper is better, imo.

    Movies are one of the things I’m using as motivation this year. Gotta keep going til I can see them and such. Wrinkle in Time, Black Panther, Incredibles 2, and Infinity War are some pretty good motivators.

    Hell they don’t even remember that. Remember how people seemed to think Hillary had done nothing of note while ignoring that Bernie mostly named post offices? Somehow he was a dude who got shit done while she was just a woman riding her husband’s coattails.

    Japan too, in some areas.

    Plus they’re just punting the fight down the road. They have to fix it in January now. Which is what people who work in government in DC have thought they’d end up doing for months since the GOP was clearly going to end up doing their “tax reform” at the last second, not leaving much time for anything else to occur.

    Given I first learned about him when I read about the massacre, I’ve been side-eying any praise of him since I was in middle school. It’s terrible how people ignore it.

    Well, in regards to Forrest, it’s a three step process:

    Urgh, I was getting teasers for it on Youtube nonstop for a while and it looked so, so like the sort of “we’re going to do a show about making a show!” that Hollywood loves to make and just make me sigh and roll my eyes because it will never be as good as The Producers and instead will make itself into whitewashed

    Meh, too old for me and not really my type anyway.

    Yes. Problem is the GOP are so focused on slamming through that tax cuts that nothing else matters, hence CHIP and DACA getting punted to January. But don’t worry! Plenty of people on the left will still blame the Dems for that, because obvs. the minority party should be able to force votes without any of the majority

    Eh, closer to the Civil Rights Act than the New Deal really, but otherwise correct.

    Yep, that would have made much more sense than nothing or robocop, really.

    That’s because there’s a big difference between animal rights orgs and animal welfare orgs and sadly a lot of people online don’t know the difference and get sucked in by the animal rights side and get radicalized.