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    Apparently Tom Perez has come out and said the million the DNC gave Jones went entirely to black and millennial turnout, so there was definite focus.

    Tons of people are easily swindled for all kinds of things. Look how many megachurch pastors get rich off the prosperity gospel scams they run.

    Yeah that really rubbed me the wrong way too. She was prompting him in the video to respond, that really made me raise an eyebrow.

    I’ll admit, I hate the noise it makes. Oh well, I love my giant horse so no harm no foul, just won’t use the bike.

    Yep, a lot of people only support them as lip service or because they hate Israel more.

    Yep. My freshman abroad class was trying to get home from England in 2010 (really bad winter had fucked our ability to just fly out) and we had to go thru France. We got stopped for half an hour after crossing the channel because one of the other girls’ passport was US Virgin Islands which looks slightly different

    They’ll say he’s trying to infiltrate it to take it down or something, come on, you know they’re good at doublethink.

    Might want to see if Redbox’s stocks are going to go up, too.

    Don’t forget he ton of conservative judges in lifetime appointments!

    I don’t think they need the public to get bored. Just the reporters. This has been a threat every since Pai was put in but alarms were only raised right when he got in and like, a week ago. The press is not good on things that are consistent, longstanding issues that need frequent reminders without the story changing

    I think part of the problem by now is that we as a society have let this stuff get swept aside for so long that now that we’re starting to get it all out in the open we’re not entirely sure what the punishments and consequences should be for a lot of this stuff, especially since a lot of it will never see a courtroom

    Yep. My mom was rolling her eyes the other day about how the principal of the school she works at has apparently just learned the words “white privilege” and somehow fit it like nine times into a phone lecture to the teachers in an utterly nonsensical way (the principal herself is white). My mom said she thought the

    Yes, he has more meaningful screentime in Raganrok but I think he has more overall in Darkworld, percentage-wise. It’s just hard to remember since a lot of it was totally wasted, they reworked the film to have more Loki since he was popular but didn’t know what to do with him. I’m a huge Thor and Loki fan and even

    Hela’s awesome, Loki’s good in Thor 1 and Avengers 1, Red Skull in Cap 1, Ego in GotG 2 was great...yeah, I think they’ve had several.

    I loved it. Easily one of my favorite MCU films, with the 2 GotG and first Avengers. I LIKE when the films revel in their own ridiculousness and have fun with it. To me, if you’re not going to have a good time then you at least need to tell a good story, and a lot of superhero films tend to falter on that so they need

    I’ll admit I do with most cereals (everything but ordinary cheerios) since I don’t like how they flavor the milk. So I’ll drink milk and eat the cereal dry. Regular cheerios go in the milk with slices of banana, though.

    All the stars. That narrative has gotten downright obnoxious at this point and too many people are clinging to it instead of doing anything to try and help things.

    I’ve spent years trying to figure out why people are so into buying and buying loot crates. I mean yeah, a lot of the skins are neat, but they don’t affect gameplay and buying only a chance to get something seems...meh.

    You have summed it up!

    Amen to that, he is simply incredible at being a force for good.