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    I mean at this point a lot of his voters simply do not care what he is or isn’t doing or what he has or hasn’t done. They just want to say they were right, their guy is right, and the libs were wrong. That’s all there is to it.

    I have wanted to smack so many people over that one. If you are genuinely arguing something you are not the Devil’s Advocate. The DA is trying to help the person making a point craft their argument, not change their mind, beat them in an argument, or show them up. So many people act like calling themselves that is a

    I’ll admit I am often amused by number 7. I like watching the euphemisms and doublethink desperately try to cover the truth. Especially since racists and antisemites and such have gotten so much bolder and more willing to bluntly voice their views, you can tell when there’s been careful editing. Or when the editing

    She’s only a Dem because a Republican can’t win in Hawaii, from what I’ve seen.

    Back when Obama punted the Syrian response to congress and they had to vote on what to do when Assad was committing war crimes, Franken was a wreck over it. He knew no matter what he chose innocent people would die, since if they did nothing people would keep dying but if they did something human shields would be used

    I got to gentle vacuum dust off ancient lace and fabric a few months back. A lot of fun, but the vacuum was a weird kind you wear in the small of your back and it was kinda heavy.

    I went to a Franken event Sunday night. He said he’s never ever running and gave a pretty convincing argument why. *sigh*

    This just reminds me of how my family read my sonogram really wrong and drew a face and hat on my ass while outlining what they thought was a dick and my aunt christened me “Baby Herbert.” Big surprise when the genetic testing came back a few weeks later and “it’s a girl” (on the upside, also didn’t have the one thing

    And also right now!

    Longstreet is much, much better.

    Plus, there was the rather famous “Missouri Compromise” and “The Compromise of 1850.” Like, they REALLY tried compromising and it just did not freaking work. Dude needs some lessons on this one.

    Plus I feel she has a bad habit of doing poltical stuns that aren’t well thought out—see the time she called for Jihad against Trump. Her point was that Jihad means struggle not terrorist acts, when in reality all she did was hand Fox News a soundbite.

    Ooh, do a cover of Speak Now where the singer is a crazy yandere who kidnaps the groom.

    WOW. That was good.

    Plus it’s a total fabrication that Hitler was some kind of genius before he offed himself. He was someone with charisma who had competent people working under him. A lot of stuff in Nazi Germany was not running well at all during the war because he started trying to be more in control and wanted things routed through

    The fact that so many adults do his weirded me out as I got older and saw it happening more and more in the news. Like, as a little kid I did Wilma Rudolph for living histories and somehow contented myself with a running costume, a medal, and pulling my hair back since her hair was short and mine was long. And then I

    Isn’t this for senator? Because that would make it the DSCC’s thing, right? I know Franken really had to court them back in 08 for his run.

    Yep. I’m more interested in the fact that the minibosses are wedding planners than Bowser at this point. THAT was a nice touch. But yeah, Bowser wants to marry Peach is pretty cliche by now.

    To each their own, but they are very popular.