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    My guess is that it was a combo to warn women ahead of time if they were going to be ineracting with someone and to also keep track of ammoins—if a lot of things piled up the women could maybe decide there were enough of them to come forward and be believed, since it takes like 20 or so before it’s taken seriously.

    Thanks for the fuller review. Honestly the idea that there’s only three paths (normal, extra obedient, and rebel) really shows how iffy the game is. A lot of ways slaves rebelled were in little things that went under the radar, so it could be easy to mix that shit into the normal path if one’s not careful.

    And yet the Jews in Europe managed somehow. Also European prostitutes, who tended to be the cleanest people around for the sake of staying sexy. Like, people knew how, they just often didn’t.

    He’s like Milo. A useful sheild for whenever they’re called out for bigotry and a good provocateur, but a good par of the movement still wants ‘em dead.

    It really surpises me how many groups white Europeans tried to wipe out happened to have way, way better sanitary standards than them. To them bathing too often was considered weird (except among a handful of smarties like Diane de Poitiers who bathed frequently to maintain her looks) and to not really do anything.

    I was just reading a great post on tumblr about how the poster’s fav thing is conservative dickheads talking about their favorite brands or artists and the brand/artist being all “fuck you.”

    The two forms of art most recognized by the world to be American Art are Jazz (first made by black people) and comic books (first made by Jews). Which makes me happy since, A) awesome shit to be known for and B) imagining white supremacists frothing at it makes me grin.

    And is one of the main characters on Brooklyn Nine Nine, which lets him excercise his formidable comedy skill to the fullest.

    Plus he’s been building himself one hell of a loyal fanbase. I think the Booklyn Nine Nine fans alone would be an effective army to rally to his side and he’s done a lot more than that. And he built that loyal fanbaeby being a genuinely sweet man who is very honest on social issues, including racism and feminism.


    Serious points lost for bad use of “triggered.” You should really know better.

    Plus the ads use photos from El Salvador prisons. Aka dudes we don’t need to worry about since they’re locked up in another country. Wtf.

    My dad and I agree one of Northam’s best cudgels is reminding people Gillespie is nothing but a corporate lobbyist who, according to Northam’s ads, “shows up for whoever pays him.”

    Yep. I knocked mom’s blood pressure through the roof a month ahead of time and they induced labor but she just couldn’t dilate enough (a nurse she refers to as “Nurse Ratched” actually yelled at her for not dilating fast enough after several hours, the doctor threw the nurse out) so they had to C-section. Everything

    I think it’s the first major win for the “Our Revolution” crowd so there’s that. I know a lot of people Bernie’s endorsed haven’t gotten far in other races so maybe it’s about that? Idk, just guessing.

    In Christmas’ defense, Halloween is getting up there. As a person who has worked at a craft store for several years, they have added about a side-counter a year for it. It has its own bakeware, house lights, fake floral, kids crafts, “cookie” houses, wreathes, and goodness knows how many decorations.

    Oof, the first one sounds terrifying. A kid having an injury and you having no clue how it got there has got to be a major parenting nightmare.

    They don’t put much of the money raised towards any “cure”, they are against stem cell research, thanks to conservative leadership they are also against abortion rights, and frankly they’re just a moneymaking company that has the gimmick of making everything pink to sell i as if buying pink shit cures cancer. Even frac

    The usual excuse is “feral hogs” which, while very dangerous, don’t need quite that kinda firepower.

    Yep. I thought I’d been fine since I’ve had my blood drawn tons of times since I was a kid for testing and shit, but never that much at once.