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    Urgh, yes. First time I passed out, second time I threw up and they didn’t let me leave for an hour in case I then passed out or threw up the rice krispie they gave me. Which is bad since I’m O Negative so it’s good when I can donate.

    He’s been hanging with Mattis and Mattis is desperate to keep the diplomatic arm of foreign relations as functional as possible. Tillerson’s probably leaning on Mattis at times like this.

    I’ve been using a backpack for seven years that’s great. It’s surprisingly huge, comfy straps, and yet I can fit my purse under the seat with it.

    This is probably the best point I’ve heard so far.

    Plus, this is just my opinion, but a lot of times I find livestreams have less chatting since the person is so focused on the gameplay, while an edited Let’s Play released after the fact tends to have more commentary and original flavor.

    And that’s for the ones who chat. I like Let’s Players to talk and add things to the game, but like half the BotW Let’s Plays I watched were almost completely silent. At that point you’re just posting gameplay, unaltered, and I think that could get you in trouble, easily.

    Reminds me of when JK Rowling called out Trump and fans claimed hey were going to throw out their copies of the Harry Potter books. Her response was to kindly remind them that she already had their money so they could do whatever they wanted to the books.

    Well since she’s conservative there’s a chance for Johnson or McMullin in there too.

    I grew up upper middle class and it legitimately amazed me how many of my peers were not given chores or taught basic lifeskills. One of the kids in the middle school carpool always had his mom trailing behind him with his shoes and tea, because he couldn’t be bothered to wake up enough to put his shoes on until

    Seriously. They come barging in to make this all about them and then get surprised when that gets a reaction? Plz.

    Or parenting literature at the local library. My parents borrowed a ton of books when my Asperger’s became evident around second grade. My mom adapted faster than my dad (partly because I am his girl-clone and we but heads because we’re so similar) but they both had to work on their approaches and figure out what did

    I’ll admit, very confused why grandma didn’t go to the mom’s house in that one. Makes me wonder if more was going on.

    We can only hope!

    It was the fav movie of one girl I was friends with as a kid and we watched it during her birthday. Such a snoozefest. Also...not really appropriate for a gaggle of ten year olds but, idc, I was half asleep anyway.

    Plus it can be helpful rying to figure out what works for you as a person and is still clean. I have a totally different system from my folks because I’m super visual and need to see things or risk forgetting they exist. So I can’t just put things away in a cabinet or drawer (unless it’s a drawer I literally open

    I mean more after the fact and years later, and while I acknowledge it will be traumatic regardless simply due to the huge change I think that the biggest issue here is the lack of hearing how the kids are affected at all. Which is a huge problem when this is about child abuse.

    I love how the people whining about the comments don’t stop and think “what if any of these commenters have suffered from being abused as kids.” Because there’s quite a lot who have, or have witnessed abuse or worked with abused children. Like no shit they’re annoyed at the apologia.

    Yep. My aunt was bipolar and drug addicted. My mom found someone and recommended her to them and for a year she was better...until she wanted her drugs again and went back to her quack who just gave her the meds she wanted. Grandma never cared because “oh, she’s a lawyer” so she had to be okay, but all she did was

    Yep. Hell there have been ones on the site before that have been good, but this series is totally missing the mark.

    Yep, very good.