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    The whole series would SO benefit from having the kids’ voice involved. Kid who feel they shouldn’t have been pulled but were and why, kids who should have been taken away but weren’t and why, looks at how the various separations affect the kids in general (which I have found lacking in every story so far). The

    Yep. My aunt was a serious hoarder, and also had custody of her mother who had dementia via power of attorney (which was not good since my aunt was a mentally ill addict with tons of issues of her own). Even with a maid coming weekly*, both grandma’s house and my aunt’s townhouse (used as a winter home) were filthy.

    I found the second story very interesting since it does mention the biases people have to deal with in the system, and the father also admitted his own faults when he realized his kids felt they had to parent their own addicted parents and how he’d tried buying their love until realizing their own behavior was the

    My god she’s dressing terribly, and the hair’s not helping (especially with the tan in the picture). Is she trying to look nonthreatening? “I can’t be a conniving bitch, see, I got rid of all the hard lines and bold colors for poor fit and a wtf palette” or something?

    My grandma had a two day win-streak. She won a car on top of the money.

    Dude, that’s a freaking meme at this point, I don’t think a single Jez article can lay claim to it.

    1: Yay.

    I see in trying to make herself appear more approachable she threw her sense of style out the window, too. She has softened her hair to the point of it not doing anything for her face and that shirt...Megyn, there’s a difference between “nonthreatening” and “crap” and you managed the second one. Like, she used to wear

    I just assumed she’s got herself a nice custom jet she really likes and finds the government ones less nice for whatever reasons she has.

    I got morning admission and honestly, the people coming in around noon had it easier since there was less of a crush by then. The first part of the main historical area was such a smoosh and hard to maneuver but cleared out a bit later in the day.

    Yeah, that was a bit more than what it cost for my dad and me to see it on a Saturday.

    I think you mean $260 million. Unless most Jaws screenings were free.

    Much like the far left, the far right cannot seem to let go of the Clinton boogeywoman, unless it is to put Pelosi in that role instead. It’s moderately comedic.

    Really Northam’s attack ads so far have been much better than Gillespie’s. Mainly because it calls Gillespie out for being a corproate lobbyist, which is a good way to sink him, and refutes attacks from Gillespie’s older attack ads, effectively calling Gillespie a liar. Northam’s been doing pretty well in the ad war

    Yeah, but mad respect to the creator for not trying to force an extra season he didn’t feel he had.

    I honestly don’t understand most live action shows. Why are there like ten Housewives shows now? Why do shows often claim “realism” when everyone acts like jerks and no one reacts to that remotely realistically?

    Just check out her versatility!

    It is happy Its newest form spreads terror to so many. It never thought It would top Pennywise.

    You mean it wasn’t the fault of...A WOMAN? I kid but seriously, I’ve been getting mighty annoyed at people forgetting that was his deal.

    Seriously, some of these people need to take their Clinton Derangement Syndrome and LET. IT. GO.