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    Yep. My dad was saying this just last night—some Americans don’t like one party having control for too long regardless of all other shit and will vote for the other one simply hoping for a change up. It’s why even if we don’t win them we’re probably going to make gains in the house and senate automatically next year:

    They’ve apparently learned we need to do absolutely nothing and then magic will happen and people will be more progressive or something. Instead of, you know, working to try and get shit done and protect what we can.

    Yep. There’s a huge issue where people think you have “real” rape and “not really rape” rape. You can describes tons of different kinds of rape and as long as you don’t use the word “rape” a lot more people will think it’s a gray area. That’s what needs to be worked on.

    Magic, clearly.

    Pelosi’s job, which she is good at, is keeping all the Dems in line when it counts. The GOP ain’t her job. That’s for the more centrist members of the party who don’t scare conservatives by existing.

    She’s always been the backup for scaremongering about the oh so terrifying liberal lady down south. Hil’s not around? Scare the conservatives with Nancy Pelosi and her evil leftist ways.

    I’m starting to think they really do think magic is involved at this rate...

    Idk, I don’t think we get a younger hotter mother earth when we finally wear her out or destroy her or she kills us all, just saying...

    Idk if you can say he doesn’t hate her after she spends the whole film getting abused and then after she finally tries to get her revenge it doesn’t hurt the guy at all and she dies only to be utterly replaced by a younger hotter model.

    I actually kinda thought it was similar to that. I thought it was a metaphor about how women get turned into “muses” by creative type asshole dudes but in the end the woman just goes until she’s used up and the dude finds a new muse. Supported by the dude’s “fans” lashing out at and slutshaming the woman while not

    I think the mistake people are making is thinking this appearance is about Spicer when really it’s about Trump. A lot of Hollywood types know Trump very well and know what he wants more than anything is to be seen as one of them and be an A-lister. He likes being a star. So they turn around and go, “Here’s one of

    Given W was pretty much erased from the collective consciousness, looks like it.

    I mean, It was scary as shit but [SPOILERS] it also has the uplifting ending of the kids beating the absolute shit out of the fucker and the bully being reduced to a sniveling heap because they’re not scared of It anymore.

    It was the juggalos. They did this. Somehow.

    All three critics whose reviews I’ve watched have said they’re sure it will be a love it or hate it move for most. Also that it is a LOT more arthouse-y than the trailers let on.

    As my mother and I discussed recently, a LOT of people seem to forget social media is public. They see it as only talking to the people they intend to see it, as if speaking in a room where you know everyone well, when really you’re yelling it with a megaphone in the center of Times Square while a news crew records it

    Plus dude still does anti dogfighting commercials and animal welfare stuff. He’s a pretty good example of someone who showed his repentance. And this is speaking as someone who barely knows shit about football and sports shows, I know from the animal angle. He’s generally viewed as “did a dick thing but has been

    I think, short as it is, Bernie’s bill still needs major revising for one BIG reason: how it effects employer-offered care. As I read it, it seems to indicate such care would be temrinated since employers cannot offer care that “competes” with the single payer. That’ll doom it in a second. People who have plans and

    Urgh. One of my new pet peeves is leftists in progressive bubbles wondering why people care about racism/sexism/other social issues since it’s so clearly over. Nauseating.

    Some noose-knots are used in hunting snares (mostly for birds) but my research indicates the “hangman’s knot” mainly being used with fishing line, not rope, as a way of securing angles. Ditto for the “gallows knot” it’s mostly used in fishing line these days. It’s really only very simple nooses used for rope snares