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    They’re also easy to make. Rope and cording is pretty cheap and the rope-work is simple. You can easily conceal it when bringing it to a location. Then it’s all a matter of planting without being caught. A large cross is far more difficult to transport and plant.

    Yeah, my parents were both stunned and complained that in other cases you have kids 15, 14, 12 getting tried as adults for everything under the sun but THIS is where the line is drawn?

    I know that feeling. I’m Jewish, but most of the time people can’t tell that by looking at you so it’s always so much fun when people say antisemitic things to me assuming I’ll totally agree. Nope.

    Yep. I’m not for large swaths of the population arming itself but a) I totally feel more okay with it when people take it seriously which at least the people mentioned in this article seem to be doing and b) everything you noted.

    They even trashed one’s room once. That poor kid is going to need all the therapy.

    Oh brother.

    On the other hand if they said nothing, then the narritave would be that they met with Trump and nothing happened while they and other factors have made it clear he DID make the deal, he’s just reneging now. Which reflects worse on him than them. So they DID have to say something, I just think maybe the wall should

    It’s a fight people have begun having about Buffy too, pointing out that there were kickass female leads before her and that her being “girly” while doing it isn’t really anything groundbreaking (imo by season three the girliness drops a lot and by now in the comics is pretty much down to “may be wearing a cute top”).

    Also as Americans we are conditioned to try and go the individualistic route when collective action is what gets shit done. You on your own taking feminist actions probably won’t make a change in society (unless you’re really rich or really famous) but doing feminist work collectively with others might lead to things

    Part of the issue is the USA is a big country so what is radical in one area is not in another. So you have people getting into fights because someone is discussing a feminist issue in a context that someone else does not understand.

    I think the Dems tipped their hand just a bit too much by saying they got what they wanted with no wall and Trump realized that made it look like he got had. So, embarrassed, he pretends it didn’t go that way when it probably did.

    Plus when it comes to keeping every single member in your caucus in lockstep, Pelosi has WAY more pull than Ryan within her party. Ryan is losing respect fast while Pelosi is only gaining more.

    I know that feel.

    A big issue with satire is people not understanding it. Like, a white man goes onstage and yells the n-word before calling you out for thinking he’s racist while he was just saying a racist thing to get a reaction out of you, see, he is satirizing how quickly people jump to conclusions isn’t he clever!* No, he’s being

    If you buy your own neolithic rock from Amazon or wherever you can do whatever you want to it.

    Go read wonkette’s. They shut down the trolls hard over there, and it was all just a ton of fun. I think the house of snark is a little tired of the sainting of Bernie and is having their fun wherever they can.

    All but Romney. And some who failed in the primaries, like Bernie. It’s a thing they do in an effort to keep their supporters engaged and make some dough. Everyone does it.

    They just don’t like her. Oh, and Pelosi. Oh, an Kamala. Oh, and Warren since she sold out Bernie.

    There’s also the numerous things bodegas sell that cannot simply be left on a shelf in a vending machine. Chilled or heated drinks. Icees. Cheap-ass hot pretzels and hot dogs. Cigarettes and alcohol. Lotto tickets. I can keep going.

    I still remember this one teenager who lived with another family but was buying food for his biological family. His two foster sisters from the host family wen with him and he ended up screaming bloody murder at one of them because the total didn’t quite work out since they were a can of tuna short or something. So