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    Because reasons, hon. Because reasons.

    Plus he only got fifteen, fifteen, senate Dems on his side. Out of forty eight. That’s a bit above a fourth. Like, it’s empty. It’s going to be used to hit the Dems from the left if they don’t vote for it and from the right if they do if it even comes to a vote. And it’s WAY too simplified to properly defend.

    No, he lost to the person who lost that, which makes him even more of a loser. But of course his buddies whine “stolen” when she beat him by millions of votes.

    I think it’s been funny watching a handful of outlets that were whining for Hillary to shut up Hillz, no one likes you, to realize that she actually has a lot of fans who want to read her book and maybe she’s not as unpopular as they think.

    That’s actually something being debated by people who deal with diagnosing pedophiles and trying to fix their mental illness or at least make them not threats to society: if we give them a child sex doll,does that at least protect real life children? So far only one study has been completed so you know, very early

    I’m not saying they should be banned, but I’m wary of the idea of “oh, we’ll just give the creeps sex dolls and they’ll leave us alone.” Mainly because I genuinely do not expect them to be satisfied with the sex dolls (for one thing, the fantasy pretty much ends the second you realize you have to clean you cum out of

    I’m just worried signing on and not singing on are going to be used to bludgeon Democrats, especially vulnerable ones.

    Weirdly enough I was writing something the other day and Word tried to change “you’re to “your” and I was like “I am literally abbreviating you are why are you doing this?” It’s gotten to the machines, now.

    I’m goth, bro, we always pick death. It’s an aesthetic thing.

    There’s an ad campaign now structured around shaming parents who intentionally don’t get it for their kids. It shows a young adult who just got HPV wondering aloud why their mom/dad never had them start on the vaccine, which has been available for years and years now and they conclude it must have been that their

    I got all three. Sadly got the third the same day as the flu shot and one other shot—all three in one arm. The arm was useless for the rest of the day from the aching.

    Idk either. They also seem to think sex dolls are totally maintenance free (how to kill the sex doll fantasy: remind guys they will have to clean their own cum out of it)

    Idk, how does revenge porn always seem to hurt the woman involved instead of the asshole dude who leaks it? It just seems to.

    Go Patty!

    I wasn’t as clear in that comment as it was the second one of its kind on the page, but an explicit aspect of the fantasy is shoving it in the ex’s face that you are having sex with her effigy. That’s where it crosses the line into harassment. If no one else knew about the doll looking like their ex, the fantasy goes

    Yep. It’s freaky as hell but they’re into it.

    I think you left out a crucial detail in that kelpies use the horse form to lure people in so they can drown/eat them. That is lovely and you left it out.

    Not nessessarily. There are PLENTY of men who have revenge fantasies involving “replacing” women with sex dolls and getting sex dolls that look like heir ex so they can “keep having sex with her” without her consent.

    Oh it’s worse than that. There’s a market for men who want one that looks like their ex so they can take pictures and video and put it all over social media that they’re “still having sex with her without all her drama” aka raping her in effigy (and yes, some have used that term, raping in effigy, as a selling point).

    My dad (an engineer who works for the Navy) went on a rant recently about how inefficient coal is an energy source (you use it to make steam to turn a drum, is the short version, the turning drum is what makes the electricity). I wish I’d taped it, because honestly, what a takedown. He covered everything, how