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    Yep. Let’s Plays are in a weird category since they give you almost the whole game (depending on the player’s skill and completion goals) to watch, which can do things like, say spoil the story or otherwise lessen the experience. Their saving grace is the “commentary” angle. But I’ve seen Let’s Players who almost

    Correct on all counts!

    Obviously they should have used their magic powers to make it better. What? Liberals had to vote more Dems into congress to do things? What’s that mean?

    It’s like there’s been a resurgence of the 90s comic book trend where “realistic”=“everyone acts like total assholes” in all forms of media. People think “realism” is “everything is miserable but you want things to go well for this specific jerk.”

    I read a great article once where the gist was “she didn’t friendzone you, you girlfriendzoned her” where it was about women dealing with the fact that guys they thought were good friends of theirs turned out to just have crushes on them and thought if they were friends long enough the girl would fall for them. It was

    I’m saying in the past schools have used the “no disrruptions” ban to ban perfectly innocuous things like LGBT pride shirts, yes. I’m saying they ban things pretty arbitrarily based on local attitudes, which can and has opened LGBT kids up to mre bullying when they’re banned for wearing shirts about being happy about

    As few Dems in congress as possible so we can be pure but powerless

    And as a Civil War nerd: often incorrect cliff notes.

    Yeah, given all the other shit said about the concentration camps I’m pretty sure “it wasn’t as bad as the Jews said” comes up a lot. Of course, that’s among the people who will admit they existed.

    They already do that. I’m just happy to see it going towards something legit hateful instead of a LGBT Pride T-shirt like it usually does.

    I found a great article on the United Daughters of the Confederacy that explains how the UDC managed a stranglehold on Southern schools for a long time and insisted all material taught follow the Lost Cause mythology.

    And the people who do the same thing but claim hey were just playing a joke. Them too.

    The question I always want to ask the “it’s a joke” people is...what is the joke? “Oh, I made you think I’m a Klansman/Nazi but I’m really not, haha!” Well, you did that by performing the actions of a Klansman or Nazi. I’m just supposed to know that when YOU do it it’s somehow different from when all the other ones do

    Plus Ryan is taking the heat for the bad deal now. The weaker the speaker is, the more the Freedom Caucus will act up. And the more they act up, the more the GOP in he House NEED Democratic votes to pass anything.

    To be fair, the GOP in the House need the Freedom Caucus to pass shit numbers-wise, and the Freedom Caucus keep wanting shit that will make the party unelectable. But without their votes, the GOP can’t pass it without bipartisanship...

    ...Given Bronies are all for “love and tolerate” (excluding the loonier fans) idk if they’d fly with this administration.

    She also thinks women should only be allowed to vote if they serve in the military or have a husband or son serving in the military. And worked up to that position from “women should not be allowed to vote.”

    Yep, since it usually takes years for the trial to go through (if there even is enough evidence for a trial) you have o figure out what to do in order to avoid undue stress on the victim while not violating the rights of someone not convicted of a crime.

    Also they are seriously fucked up. There’s this one antifeminist woman who shows up a lot who goes by “JudgyBitch” who tried to crowdfund a crossbow to shoot feminists with to act all tough and then turned around and said if her husband wanted to beat her it was his right to do so. Like, admitted it, in public on the

    And they need them Dems because it’s very likely the Freedumb Caucus will be pulling shenanigans again and so the GOP need more across the aisle votes.