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    These guys will do ANYTHING to be the victims. Women/black people/lgbt+ people/non-Christians are all simultaneously inferior to them and also controlling everything to bring down straight, white, Christian men. The only conspiracy I have seen that addresses this is the one where it’s the Jews controlling the

    Yeah, my mom worked at a title 1 school for years and even with the free food for many a lot of kids missed out (especially if their folks couldn’t get them there early enough for breakfast for any reason) so she kept a ton of snacks on hand.

    No one believes I weigh nearly 150, but that’s because I have a mix of fat and muscle which leaves the fat generally distributed with no one obvious area other than my thighs (which sill are fat and muscle, just a little more fat than the rest) and since the muscle weighs more it does raise my weight. If you go by

    Yep, it’s so sad.

    Given he seems happy to listen to “Chuck and Nancy” right now, maybe so...

    I still remember when I was in high school and we went on a field trip. I was in a room with three cheerleaders I knew. One of them was legit tiny (she often complained about many petites not being short enough and “having to shop at Gap Kids”) but the other two were my height, 5'4". One was a 2, one was a 4, I was an

    That is a wonderfully creepy gif.

    It’s cheesier and the adult parts especially do not hold up well but the scenes when they are kids are still really creepy.

    King admits he doesn’t really plan things out and just writes the story as it comes so it’s less “why did you decide that beat the creature” and more “why did that enter your head at all?”

    My guess is celebs have a few different rules, and technically it was date “publicly” which does have some differences. But yeah, lousy of him. From what I understand, Tom’s image as a desirable male is a big thing for Scientology, they went through a ton of hoops selecting his “mates” for him and there were a ton of

    Plus the current GOP rose to power on the wave of “we hate the black guy” so it’s not exactly wrong to say hate of the current administration doesn’t get you what you want...

    And without the massive smear campaign against Kerry.

    Yeah, their dad is kinda known for his reelection campaign including the swiftboating of Kerry...which is of course not their fault just...it seems odd that they’re the ones saying it, unless their boat owns up to the stuff from his times running.


    Uh, given their dad is the one whose campaign swiftboated John Kerry, idk how much they can speak on divisiveness...

    I think De Blaiso is correct here: that reporter is blatantly fishing for a soundbite of him being against Cuomo. REALLY blatantly. I’m pretty sure there’s more important shit you could ask NYC’s mayor, dude.

    Problem is, congress has been punting on this since the second Bush era. They don’t wanna do it. And we already saw what happens when they don’t wanna do something even when the pressure’s hot with the healthcare repeal.

    Yeah, I found the training and improvement areas to be kinda sparse. Especially when you could get better effects via battling.

    Plus some things are based on random events. I have been playing as Ieyasu for EVER trying to get his crystal and you just have to wait until the right person shows up or something...seems to be the hardest part, imo.

    While there would be a lot of deportations, in a other areas those people would probably go back to living how they did when they were undocumented.