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    “poor teamwork” is usually “they’re mad at other people’s hero picks and because we’re not kowtowing they won’t leave the spawn, effectively leaving us a member down”

    No! Barron needs them to distract himself from how nuts everything is!

    Ooh, I like lip crayons. Might get one when my current ones run out.

    Cutting the Tysha reveal was so bad.

    But Theon DID have to choose. Balon was going to attack either way and Theon had two options: stay with the Greyjoys and betray Robb, or go back to the Starks (or at least warn) the Starks and betray his family (and possibly get beheaded as that as why he was at Winterfell to start with, as a hostage against Balon).

    True but Tyrion doesn’t seem to be doing anyhting for himself at all. Seriously, what are his goals anymore? It’s like he’s been given Varys’ vague “for the good of the realm” ideals but it’s pretty weak. I can see the counter argument that he’s too big a part of Dany’s storyline now but he’s constantly portrayed as

    Yeah the show effed up by making him seem like a loser too early on.

    Given he was outright forced to choose (stay with his family and betray Robb, warn Robb and betray his family) I think it wasn’t just him not thinking he could.

    As a Theon fan I hated Jon being all “you’re both” since Theon’s WHOLE PLOT was that he couldn’t be both, had to choose and (in viewers/readers eyes and his own) chose wrong. So yeah, now that almost everyone’s dead Jon going “but you’re a Greyjoy and a Stark” rings really hollow. There was no option to be both and

    Yeah, the book deals with it a lot more. Part of why she calls herself “Mother of Dragons” is that she won’t have any other children.

    The books made it much more explicit that Dany was rendered magically barren. It’s more of a thing there. Here it’s probably being brought up just to be disproved.

    Outside of some minor catharsis w/ LF I kind of low key hate this episode.

    There are also some live action movies from Japan, they’re good too if you’re on a tighter timescale than the anime could allow and also end sooner (which to some fans is better, there’s debate as to when the original manga should have ended). I honestly loved them, they did a great job.

    Yeah, that’s part of why back when I was in high school and Zac Effron wanted to do it I was like “I can see that” since Troy Bolton with a little more focus on his grades would have been a good fit for Light. The charismatic big man on campus type.

    I heard he was happy with it, so that’s good.

    I think the biggest thing a lot of my fellow white people don’t get is Native Americans had HUGE fucking cities. Often with better sanitation than European ones (post-Rome Europe fucking SUCKED at sanitation, it’s why they kept dying to disease and then blamed my Jewish ancestors who survived via regular bathing—and

    Also, since I’m sure the “tough on crime” folks won’t care about ANY of this stuff...he also didn’t lower crime. Crime actually got worse under his tenure (no shit it did, people were too scared to call the cops and others knew it!)

    As I’ve noted elsewhere, I can see down Sarah Connor’s shirt in a lot of shots. I just googles her and the most common look is her in a low cut tank.

    I think I hated it mostly because it was an animated movie trying not to be an animated movie so people could go “what great effects! I’m an adult so it’s all just great effects, not animation!”

    And don’t forget the “economic progressives” (who insist they’re the true progressives while other progressives are neoliberals who like identity politics) would just declare we should ignore the issue altogether to focus on free college.