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    The main one I have experience monitoring. Of course you also have wannabe comedians who think they;re just being cool and non PC by making those jokes and then wonder why their audience is full of Nazis. Gee, I wonder why?

    Yep. There’s one nearby with a full four car garage. House is the size of the whole lot, it looks ridiculous.

    Yeah, I was confused since I saw the news report where she clarified this early in the morning.

    Yep. That was one thing I pointed out to my parents (they recently moved to a popular VA suburb near DC). My mom was recently going on about how nice it is none of the apartment buildings are above eight floors in the area and I was like “and that’s why your rent is so high.” Meanwhile a mile over, the more “downtown”

    Hell, the local IKEA already operates on the assumption people have almost no space and sells pre-planned sets for tiny spaces.

    There’s already a business for realtors doing extra work by making places look lived in. They sell it as an extra service to people who buy a place as an “investment” and never live there—someone goes around to pick up the paper and re-arrange shoes on the front stoop and hire people to mow the grass and set timers

    I remember a boss of mine complaining about how her parents in Palo Alto (wealthy, but worked in the software businesses near there) were the kind of people who liked zoning laws that meant their coworkers couldn’t afford to live anywhere near them. No apartment buildings that could house a bunch of people, no low

    A lot of them join up for other reasons. Like they’re wannabe pickup artists who get pulled in because they travel in similar circles, or they’re “anti-PC” and think everyone else is shouting slurs to break down the PC Walls or be “ironic” not because, you know, they’re slurs you use to hurt people. So even when they

    A lot of them have either learned to keep it quiet or have the leaders of the movement pushing them to keep it quiet. And believe me, nothing is funnier than watching a bunch of pricks who partly joined something just to be “anti-PC” fighting over how PC they have to act to accomplish their goals.

    Eh. Clowns are people too and Pennywise is one of the things that gave them the worst name and started the scary clown trend. May they steal his power and regain their comedic glory. Or whatever it is clowns want.

    I saw the pic as a smaller version and couldn’t make out who it was.

    Plus the backstory they gave in SS was shit too so they’re probably going to ignore it.

    Now playing

    What is with WB and these shitty Joker movie ideas? Joker origin story, aka going to piss off all the nerd fans since a huge point of the Joker is his lack of defined origin beyond the Ace Chemical incident. Joker and Harley story—bound to piss off a lot of comic fans who love Harley and want to see her happy, cannot

    Really? Because my response was “which incest?” since there’s also Jonsa to consider. And of course the old fallback of JC and the potential reveal of Tyrion as a Targ (tho imo I think they dropped that) so...yeah. There’s a lotta choices.

    Nat Turner should probably get one or more. Also I think Harriet Tubman should get the highway they’re renaming. With all her underground railroad work she deserves a highway.

    Or more. A lot of the ringleaders are grifters who live off getting payouts from their followers. Like, one of them charges a few hundred for a half hour skype session with him. It’s weird and fuck but works.

    Yeah pre-rinsing to me usually is just saying “my dishwasher cannot handle this” which in that case, wash it by hand. If I’m in a hurry I’ll let stuff soak and then wash it when I get back from whatever had me in a hurry (this is common for pots I made mac and cheese in if the dishwasher is too full to stick it in

    Yeah like my next step up from t shirts is a nice top. I’m not sure how nice a top had to be to be a “going out” top tho.

    Yeah, I was in China in 2000. A lot of people wanted to take pictures with us, but then we were in a smaller town and the school we were staying at wanted to use us as advertising, especially the blonde girl of the bunch. Our parents were like “look, we know you’re using Americans teaching English at this school as a

    I expect this song to go the way of Anaconda for me.