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    A lot of thm seem to think they’ll profit after society collapses cuz obviously women will HAVE to have sex with them then because the only two options will be to have sex with Red Pill dudes for protection or be raped by the evil (heavily implied to be black or Muslim) hordes.

    Oh yeah, they have all kinds of stuff about how women control and oppress men. Did you know it’s an act of oppression to wear leggings as pants? Because it always gives men boners and then they get in trouble for trying to just act on their poor boner by acting like leggings are consent! Weird!

    Thing is, the start of your reply reminded me of a video I was watching of a critic I like reacting to “Blank Space.” He freaking loved it, loved how Swift was embracing her flaws, perceived or otherwise, and turning into a catchy, gripping song. He heaped praise upon it...and then stopped and admitted his views on

    Well that’s just lies from the liberal educations system, of course!

    I envision some lovely sledgehammer work, some truly beautiful sledgehammer work. Nothing is taken off the thing, but the statues, dented beyond all recognition. At the base a banner is laid, declaring this to be a new piece of modern art called “Fuck Defenders of Slavery” that was created by a crowd of anonymous

    Plus these even went up in states that never fought for the South or in cases like Kentucky (a border state) never seceded and even tho like 35k of their guys fought for the south, but 90k fought for the Union. Guess what their monuments are? 75 Confederacy, 2 Union. You cannot explain that without taking into acocunt

    Exactly, it also contradicts the “women are sluts” belief that the majority of them ALSO hold. Seriously, they use the term “cock carousel” to describe the behavior of “sluts” and think women wouldn’t want sexbots too?

    An abuser will ALWAYS claim their victim’s negative reaction to being abused is part of the reason for the abuse. Nazis have always been among the best abusers.

    One guy announced loudly that a Republican value was “killing Jews.” Party needs to own what it created.

    We Hunted the Mammoth has been cataloguing this stuff for YEARS. Here’s just a few of the articles on:

    And just think: that’s not all the conspiracies nor did I go into detail on any of them (I did go into detail on the women having no capability for love further downthread, tho). The groupthink and doublethink are huge in that crowd.

    But letting them form large echo chambers on mainstream sites is part of how they recruit. I still see them anyway since I keep an eye on this shit, and the echo chambers only increase their power.

    Yep. All well covered on WHTM, which was good since I don’t use Reddit for anything other than Twitch Plays Pokemon so I had little knowledge of it.

    Yep. A lot of them have utterly dehumanized their targets in their minds. It’s horrifying. But, for those who can stomach it, it’s also a good look into the movement’s id and what drives it so it can be brought down.

    Given how violently homophobic a lot of them are I’m not sure that’s a good joke to make. More like some of them might get raped, than anything. I’m sure a handful are closeted, and there are the cases of some like Milo claiming they’re only gay cause women are just so awful, but yeah...no. I’d bet arson before orgy

    Pretty much. They take books on abuse signs as guidelines for “keeping a woman” and it’s fucking messed up.

    Oh, no it makes perfect sense to people who actually care about women. To them, the idea of a woman leaving an abusive partner is a BAD THING and shows a weakness in the nuclear family, not a victim escaping an abuser. Hell some of them even took a list of abusive behaviors put out by an org trying to help victims and

    The thing is, part of the sex robot fantasy still involve humiliating real women. Plenty of dudes on there have fantasized about getting a sex robot that looks like an ex so they can continue banging her in effigy without her consent. And they express the want to shove this in her face.

    I did forget that and I’m sorry.

    They believe that and a hell of a lot more. Much of which shows off their own insecurities.