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    We Hunted the Mammoth will do it for you, if you like. But yeah, been watching this stuff since the dawn of Gamergate and it’s been a wild evolution and fusion of movements.

    Tragically some are quite successful, often by hiding how extreme their beliefs are. Many even have chats online about how they hide their extremism from their “libtard” families and the public. There was this horrifying thing a couple years ago with two coffee shop owners who turned out to be creepy PUA rapists and

    Here’s the idea, as i understand it.

    Panama City Beach, FL, during the Bush administration. I actually had a lot of decent teachers in middle school which was good because the school was a hellhole and I was the gifted class Designated Target. The geography teacher of the previous year made jokes about Bush sometimes and when someone punched me the old

    See they think male sexbots won’t sell since women aren’t that into sex compounded by a male sexbot not being able to provide for you.

    Yeah I’m white and Jewish so I get the fun double whammy of having some conditional white privilege (aka having it until people realize I’m Jewish) while simultaneously being Jewish and aware a lot of non-Jewish white people actually hate me for existing (and a lot of non-Jewish nonwhite people, to be fair). Like it’s

    Seriously I cannot begin to explain how much these people fester on certain boards. The Red Pill is another one, as is The Donald. Stopping them from forming echo chambers is a big first step.

    See the thing is the Nazi crowd and other factions of the alt right have been carefully brought together by the manipulators of the bunch (including Bannon who specifically brought Milo on board in order to court the Gamergate crowd) and part of that crowd is The Red Pill, a bunch of misogynistic fuckwits who don’t

    That’s the thing, they’re not protesting something being ignored or genuine bigotry, they’re protesting people being taught shit that actually went down that those same people were allowed to ignore because it wasn’t talked about or was whitewashed in their educations.

    I mean they can’t have, most of them met and solidified their ideology on internet sites. Stormfront, certain Reddit boards, Breitbart, and so on. Hell, Steve Bannon got his ideas on who to “mobilize” from a Warcraft misadventure and then used Milo to pull the Gamergate crowd into the “alt-right” sphere by

    Someone already did that with the dudes who hang around Trump. Gave them all the same face other than Trump in a photo and most people didn’t notice.

    As a woman...don’t ignore the racist bitches at that rally either. I’ve seen way too many white women trying to pretend that obvs. this was only a dude thing and when we have thing like that scrawny white lady shrieking the n word at people we should not ignore it. They may not have been the majority, but there were

    But, like, I’m just being edgy to piss off all those super PC SJWs, man! Isn’t that obviously a sign of my moral and intellectual superiority that I say extremely racist, antisemitic, and misogynistic shit all the time? /s

    We’re getting there, I think.

    Oh holy crap. I know it’s true but just....gah.

    I’m actually for allowing the rally, they have right to assemble as the counter protestors had the right to assemble. What I’m NOT for was how pathetic the police presence and response was. You have fuckers marching with torches? Yeah, line of cops, tell ‘em douse the torches (which can be both weapons and easy

    Yeah saying “this is Miranda Johnson” is not doxxing, it’d ID-ing. Doxing would be “this is Miranda Johnson of Somewheresville OH, here address is 123 Street Name, her phone number is 555-5555, her email is MirandaJ@gmail.com, her place of work is Company Co. and her family’s names are Such and Such and So On.”

    I saw this coming way back. When a reporter asked him to address growing antisemitism after Trump asked for a softball. I thought “oh, what a softball that is, Trump can now launch into a ‘law and order’ speech and look like a tough guy” but NOPE he instantly attacked the reporter for asking it and insinuated the

    And he was pretty darn racist himself.

    Because the reivisionists got to work right quick. Even Confederate veterans were disgusted. Here’s a quote form Confederate Col. John Mosby about one of the most prominent revisionists (emphasis mine):