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    Fucking Robert E. Lee refused to ever wear his uniform again, refused to be buried in it, and refused to allow anyone wearing a confederate uniform to be at his funeral. He considered the “cause” fucking dead and so should these fuckers.

    replied to wrong person my bad.

    This is a very good point and deserves more stars.

    “Sexy ass motherfucker” was my guess.

    Oof, I can’t even imagine the amount of shit people must give you. My first name starts with an O and ends with an A and since I’m half-Jewish people thought it was oh so funny to pretend my surname was Bin Laden for a good chunk of middle school. Add in my surname already being easy to joke about and it’s just

    If anyone’s looking for other badass ladies often ignored by history check out the website and book (soon to be two books) for Rejected Princesses. Lots of really amazing and fascinating women form all over the world in there, and everyone gets their own “Disney Movie Cover” illustration, and some get cool comics too.

    Yep, and may the corruption scandal bring Bibi’s ass down hard.

    Needs more stars!

    I sure hope so. She’s really got some work to do in some areas and really needs to think some things through before speaking so they’re not easily misinterpreted.


    Amazingly well put and needs more stars.

    I think the way she tried to do it was sensationalist and poorly thought out, tho. Instead of educating more people it just gave the right a soundbite. No one outside leftwing sites ever even got the full story.

    Honestly I’m not picking freaking anyone until the 2018 season is over, but I just don’t want anyone preemptively torn to shreds unless they do something really heinous.

    It was so sad. I read this one super long breakdown article (that I’m still trying to find again) that about had me in tears for the poor negotiators. It’s a really rough spot right now.

    Well said!

    *facepalm* I was pointing out that if I followed your logic I could have to conclude that, sweetie. I was pointing out how your logic is flawed and your reaosning poor. Congrats on taking me totally seriously when we’re supposed to know you’re “joking” upthread despite my constantly pointing out I’m not actually

    Thanks for telling us, that’s a good phrase.

    A lot of them don’t. I tend to belive most people are good at heart so I think most of them, even some of the people I’m arguing with upthread, genuinely think they’re doing a good and right thing but that doesn’t actually mean they’re doing a good and right thing. A lot of people want to weigh in on every issue but

    Well given I’m used to seeing “antizionist” in the hands of the alt-right I guess Linda Sarsour is actually an alt-right extremist, by your logic. Go figure, I never would have thought that about her but following your logic she must be since the main people I see using that word and calling Jews “zionist” as a bad

    Well yeah, we spread news in the form of memes now after all!