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    That’s one instance, yes. She did it knowing it would get attention and get picked up and run as a soundbite by the rightwing, and that the corrections would only be run by the left wing, outside rightwing echo chambers. All she did was a give a soundbite to Islamaphobes, which was bad.


    Because we inist on making them all-encompassing heroes who know all instead of “person who is good on this issue listen to them regarding this specific thing.”

    I like “Likkudenites” since it both incorporates their main party’s name and sounds kinda like “luddite”.

    Well put.

    Since someone can’t play nice I’ll be dismissing them from here on out. Tsk tsk.

    There are groups for peace on both sides, sadly it feels like we just have to keep hoping and praying both get into power sooner rather than later. Fingers crossed that the corruption scandal Bibi’s fallen into will hurt the hawkish wing in Israel and we can get some cooler heads in charge on that side.

    It’s actually a classic form of antisemitism on the left. As soon as they find out you’re Jewish, you are t be interrogated on your stances on Israel and often pressured to disavow it in as many ways as possible before you can be “trusted.” Ir’s annoying. I know some people doing it genuinely think they’re coming from

    Excellent point. I do think Israeli leadership needs to get wise that their current strategy is not doing anyone any favors and come up with something better for everyone.

    Well bless your heart. If you can’t tell them apart maybe you should wait until you can. Cause comparing Jews to white supremacists is pretty much peak antisemitism.

    It does partly happen because some antisemite have found out they’ll get a pass if they hide behind being “anti-zionist.” Also some people who are trying to merely be “antizionist” don’t really care for nuance and just start acting antisemitic.

    If only internet commentators were capable of nuance as well...

    No, they tried to explain that there are varying interpretations of Zionism within the Jewish faith and is getting mocked for it. Thank you for your misinterpretation.

    A lot of Zionists believe only one thing: Israel can exist. The Jews can have a county like every other religion has at least one country if not dozens. They don’t like Bibi or the occupied territories, they just want there to be an Israel. And since a large part of the area surrounding Israel does not want there to

    I can try.

    Yep. I think she’s good on a handful of issues but imperfect to bad on a host of others. And really, really bad at choosing her language.

    Especially since let’s face it, her stunt calling for jihad against Trump could only backfire. Like the rightwing outlets were going to politrly publish retractions and note how she used the word—fuck that! They have a prominent leftist Muslim activist calling for “jihad” against the Prez of the USA! Run that

    Yep. Sarsour has serious issues in that area and glossing over them does not do anyone any favors. Giving her a pass means she’ll never improve while it also hurts Jewish liberals who already have to deal with antisemitism from the left and the right as is.

    Tragically there are also those who have figured out how to get away with antisemitism by claiming to merely be “anti-zionist” which muddies the waters even further.

    Yep. Acting like she’s perfect ends up hurting her more than helping since it means you’re ignoring the very real issues with her rhetoric can cause on issues like antisemitism, which sadly a lot of “anti-zionist” groups routinely engage in because they think as long as they re-label it, it’s okay or even just don’t