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    Yeah, the “jihad” plan of her was fucking stupid, I’m just gonna say it. Here was her plan:

    Then post the body cam results as a Youtube series. Because that shit would be awe~some~!

    The fact that I give Tillerson points just for being sane shows how nutso this adminstration is (to Tillerson’s credit, he regularly meets with Mattis—Pentagon says weekly whenever possible—to gain better understanding of issues and situations and is actually trying to do his job and preserve peace, Donny’s just

    Plus a lot of ‘em voted Democrat in their uncounted votes.

    Yep. They also talk about their Support days as Ana and Mercy and even made a guide for supports with tips like “use your meat shields!” referring to the tanks. It was funny because before Ana came out their third main was Reinhardt who they were usually only okay as but sometimes managed to be pretty decent. I think

    So do I.

    The designs are fine but that boob jiggle is just painful looking. They’re bouncing way too fast and it looks jerky in the opening pose. Even if she was braless boobs that size would not move that much or that fast from how much the rest of her is moving there.

    Yep. I know someone who’s not a pro or anything they just play a lot of Hanzo and got good at him over time(which ended up also making them very good at Ana). They were really on their game a week or two ago and people kept asking if they were a pro and it was like “no, just a Hanzo who knows what they’re doing.”

    Yep. Inter-company communications are a whole different ballgame from, say, posting something on reddit or kinja. There are standards for a reason and this dickwad decided to ignore them all to send out this flaming pile of garbage.

    Jerkwad: I think women are intellectually inferior to men!

    That’s a big part of it. There was a girl in my second grade class (yes, second grade) who treated having the lowest weight as if it was some sort of prize. I inadvertently made it worse when after the PE weigh in I idly commented that another girl who was at least a head shorter than both of us weighed five pounds

    I remember this one asshole teacher I had in high school and my mom told me casually “Tza, he’s under 5'8", I will bet you anything at least half of that attitude is Napoleon Complex.”

    I mean it’s even crazier in the books and yet somehow makes more sense. Since Jaime and Cersei are twins, when they were kids they’d sometimes switch places since pre-puberty they were hard to tell apart. Cersei got a taste of being a boy in Westeros and hated what Jaime got compared to her, fueling her resentment

    Plus in order to build her up they make literally everything go wrong for Dany’s group even when it shouldn’t. That’s just lame.

    Plus a big thing the show left out from the books is how Littlefinger’s credit bubbles aren’t something you solve with just paying people off, they’re designed to utterly fuck up the Westerosi economy to the disadvantage of lords and landed gentry and in the favor of merchants and moneymen like himself. The show

    Part of the problem is they swerved her storyline from where it was going in the books. In the books she was genuinely concerned with learning how to rule in Mereen and was actualy learning some things while there, like when she’s being too hard or too soft. The show, meanwhile, threw Tyrion at her asap and pretty

    Honetly at this point I feel the show has utterly given up on the series’ initial premise of “fantasy world but realistic consequences.” Like they’ve been throwing shit overboard all season (or further back, in some plot lines) but this is where they made it clear: to hell with Dany wanting to be a good ruler and make

    Or eating just a hot dog and bun with no condiments!

    I thought it was good but it had a few minor issues. The poor transitions drove my nuts, stuff just started and then stopped all the time. I can also see the ending bugging people. But the art...by god the claymation was AMAZING.