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    I was reading an interesting article the other day about how businesses not really training people well and not mentoring is going to utterly screw us once the Baby Boomers finish retiring in a decade or so. Like, now everyone exoects you to come in knowing everything and it’s hard to get mentoring to move up the

    Any particular area? I’ll admit I know a lot more about gaining and maintaining leg muscle than arm. My arms are noodles despite my best efforts, they are simply now noodles that can lift a bit over fifty pounds.

    Sad but true. Plus people keep trying to make judgments. Like, I get asked all the time if I’m a vegetarian since I’m picky and unless the meat is pretty plain I won’t eat any. I actually really like meat but people just assume I don’t since some of them don’t see me eat it much. I’m less sure about the people who ask

    As yourself why you’re doing it. Is it for health reasons? Is it because exercise makes you happy? Is it because you want to be physically stronger? Is it because you want to be more active in general?

    Are you trying to gain muscle or fat? Different things, different methods.

    I don’t know. As someone who never dieted, I just have a polciy of not eating when I’m not hungry and if I’m craving something eating something with that in it. But for a lot of people it’s less simple than that (also according to one doctor I may be better than most at distinguishing hunger and thirst, apparently

    I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll admit, I often wonder about this girl who was in my second grade class who was hugely into dieting. It was creepy to us as kids and seems even creepier to me now.

    Yeah my big mostly-muscle thighs will fight over over that (even I didn’t realize how much of them was muscle until college and a doctor pointed out that if they were mostly fat I’d actually weigh less than I do).

    Urgh. I will never forget the girl in my second grade class who dieted. Girl was clearly pre-anorexic but of course none of us knew then wtf an eating disorder was.

    My mother has dieted for almost as long as I can remember. She really only stopped in recent years when my father’s culinary skills (he’s the cook of the family) and available ingredients have led to a common rotation of foods that are to them both tasty and healthy (I’m not into most of ‘em but I have screwy taste

    Something tells me New Colonina has better education standards...

    Plus, they get the mouth of the Mississippi. That’s HUGE economically, at that time. The port of New Orleans is currently the sixth biggest in the nation for volume of stuff handled (13th in value of cargo). Add in the Port of South Louisiana (most tonnage shipped of all US ports) and they are STACKED for trade right

    Yeah, my dad (white guy) noted how odd it was to hear so many white people talking about how bad reparations would be this last political season.

    THANK YOU. Sakes alive it’s like no one even tries seeing what they’re up to most of the time!

    Sounds neat! Would it be exploring the theoretical history of this state or its founding or something else? Lot of interesting possibilities...I mean getting the mouth of the Mississippi gives it a huge shipping and trade advantage economically, and it gives them a ton of trade advantages for Mexico and the rest of

    I’ll admit, the alliteration alone may sell some people.

    I wish him luck and the grace to be overlooked by the conservative outrage machine for as long as possible, may they focus on Bernie or Chelsea as the potential candidate for no reason other than weirdness. I do not wish anyone 3+ years of pummeling by that thing.

    It sounds like the place where someone’s going to get killed one of these days...

    I’m from FL. Our beaches have shallow waters. But as I see you meant depth to mean numbers, then yeah they’re winning over Stormfront.

    Idk, they have a decent lead on Anglin. I voted Anglin because I’ve just been reading his shit and his followers’ shit for years on various sites so it is just hard for me to hate stuff more than him, but to each their own.