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    I’m not sure “depth” is what we’ve got...the archetypal White Ally strikes me as being quite shallow. “Stand in a puddle of you and not get my feet wet” shallow. The rest is quite good but that just struck me as perhaps not the word.

    ....Is my Jewish half being racist to the rest of me I call myself pasty then? Pasty as a racist insult. Good god. And some people totally would say that it was, too.

    People said it;s because of the anti-Dothraki propaganda and “well Olenna’s not really rightful ruler of Highgarden either” and it’s like...she is the wife of your late lord, the mother of your more recently late lord, she is the last Tyrell (rolls eyes at this plot point) and her favor would probably make the next

    Yeah. I was at Michaels last year and they have a short thing Thanskgiving morning for just prepping the store so the night crew just has to walk in, load registers, and go (that way they only have to show up like, fifteen minutes before we open for BF as opposed to a few hours). You get time and a half for it, tho

    Yeah. I mean I’m finally getting my Switch (yeah, from Gamestop, I had over 250 bucks from turning in a wii u and some games to burn) so depending on how many games I think I’m likely to get int he next year or so the Gamer’s Club may be for me.

    You’d be surprised.

    Well, at least for Thanksgiving/Black Friday, a lot of progressive sites publish lists weeks head of time which update as they get more info. I know Think Progress has for a few years now.

    Yeah, I only so-so shop BF, so I tend to just skip the whole season. If you’re going to be open Thanksgiving, I will skip you until freaking New Years.

    Again, I think they screwed themselves by announcing this both nationally and before there’s any elections for it. It’s one thing if you have an election ongoing and can say “Candidate D lines up with you on everything but abortion while Candidate R lines up with nothing and also not abortion” than to shout this out

    I think this is the best comment of the thread. Choosing specific issues to say “we’re willing to throw this over!” long before there’s candidates or elections is a terrible idea. Maybe compromising when you only have on viable candidate in a district is a perfectly okay one.

    Yep, if this is the caveat I will accept it. Otherwise, nu-uh. There are PLENTY of populist, economically left wing people (aka the thing they think they need) who are still perfectly good on the social issues.

    Don’t forget contraception!

    Yep. And ever since the autopsy declared that clearly we’re just too all in on the social issues and need to back off and make way for economic issues.

    Hey dumbass, Clinton was fine on this. Bernie on the other hand was fine with Mello. It ain’t just the centrists on this one.

    I still remember when the list of Asperger’s symptoms was updated and with added stuff for diagnosing in girls a few years back. It was like a checklist of me (before I’d been in the middle, some doctors thought I had it others didn’t). Such as: constantly walking on the balls of your feet. When boys do it people

    Nope, it was a shocker revealed right before he offed Tywin. He knew about the CROWN’S finances, not the Lannister family’s and they were technically separate at the time.

    Jon and Dany’s writers were both full of shit. Like, Jon had SO many more arguments he could have given, hell, he could have tried namedropping Aemon for sympathy, but he just did such a lousy job of making his case. And you alreayd summed up Dany’s ping pong.

    Thing is, they do have time. They intentionally shortened these seasons. They cut them short. They reduced the time, which they initially had.

    They also need to increase Sex Ed. Abstinence Only Education leads to more teen pregnancies and more unplanned pregnancies, because in order to encourage abstinence they insist that condoms and birth control are so unlikely to work that you might as well not use them (to say nothing about not instructing proper condom

    Because Reasons.