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    Thank you for providing more info on this. Much better than just people screaming.

    An excellent point!

    Yep. Like, “we didn’t have enough data to figure out the outliers” wide.

    Hmm, that could be problematic, yes, but then one could easily try and use the First Amendment to put a challenge up.

    Sounds like what my folks did. I ate the sandwich a lot, and then usually the restaurant’s bread from the basket. Usually after trying something, but my folks were of the opinion that most “try its” were better left at home. Especially after that time in first grade when dad gave me pineapple and I ended up puking it

    Thing is, it’s both. Some kids will eat anything if you let them and some kids genuinely do have more sensitive senses of taste. Palettes differ throughout all of humanity. I tried a bunch of stuff as a kid because it looked cool or mom and dad ate it and it smelled good or I just felt like trying it. Nine times out

    They’re one of two veggies I can stomach and they NEVER have them. Thankfully most have broccoli but even then I have to make triple-sure they’re not going to put anything on it.

    Mm-hm. Plus it’s because the kid does not control going to the restaurant. As an adult, you get to avoid places that make food you will not eat. Kids don’t get that option. It’s either a kids menu or pray the place serves plain enough bread for them to fill up on.

    Eh, even then it sometimes doesn’t help. I hate a lot of foods I ate as a baby and tried a ton of different things as a kid. My taste buds are just hyper-sensitive so anything overly sweet, sour, bitter, or spicy just makes me gag. Course I get around that by just checking a menu before I go somewhere and if there’s

    She’s not having much present impact vs. the woman currently working to destroy public schooling? The woman who hedges on schools adhering to nondiscrimination clauses?

    Yeah, that confused me too.

    Urgh. My aunt’s in the former catagory. My grandma tried to be nice about it, all “I know you were a fan of Ted Cruz more than Trump, so after these first six months do you wish it had gone differently...” (aka giving her a huge out) and she’s all “Nope! Glad it all worked out! Trump’s a great person! He doesn’t

    Thanks for the additional information!

    Ah, interesting, thank you. Glad someone was finally able to help clear this up. So it is different from the UK thing, but also does not impact any person buying things as an individual, just US corporations buying things.

    Money’s on Kellyanne to win the Becky Bracket since it looks like Dolezal can’t beat DeVos.

    Replying to add that after some more study I think the most important line is this:

    I’ll admit, tumblr’s been good to me, but I’ve seen a lot of other people being bullied. I liked one post I saw on there yesterday:

    As someone on tumblr i find the stat for tumblr unusually low. Unless the efforts to not lash out at teens the sites has been arguing for have been working and we’re mostly aiming the anon hate at young adults instead...but yeah, seems WEIRDLY low for tumblr.

    I meant you don’t need to invoke the right becuase you don’t need to not say anything. Say you don’t buy an Israel-made blue coffee mug. How can the prove you didn’t buy it because it was made in Israel, instead of because it was blue and you don’t like blue?

    I’m not concern trolling. I want to find out what this actually does and everyone here seems to be more concerned with hyperbolic freakouts. The fines and jail time sound very bad but I can’t find anything in the bill that says that and no one will point me to where it is. The NY Times article said it was a thing but