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    It’s an overreaction. That’s why.

    But you don’t need to invoke your right to not say anything. There are literally infinite reasons to not buy a thing. They can’t prove that you didn’t but it just because you didn’t like what color it was or that it was too big for your counter or you read a bad online review of the item.

    Where did I say both sides do anything? WTF do you think I’m saying here?

    Everything can be twisted in the hands of psychos. They don’t need a clarification on a 1979 law for that. But I am proud of you for admitting you don’t care for being realistic. A lot of people can’t do that.

    I’m not defending this, I think it’s stupid political theater. I’m just pointing out that an overreaction doesn’t help anything as if you accuse it of doing things it doesn’t do, that can be used to undermine your argument. Find out what it actually does and then argue against that specifically. We can all afford to

    NOPE! I just remembered when Cameron was accused of doing this and then decided to read the bill cause I was bored. Still job hunting XD. But I am in the museum field so breaking a huge complex thing down for non-experts is in the cred.

    Well said.

    Yep. To be fair, message boards aren’t exactly representational of the entire Dem part across the US.

    But...but then some of the Democrats might need to be...slightly less leftist to run in a red state! That’s inexcusable! /s

    Can we please not by hyperbolic right now? Thanks. I want to discuss what the bill is actually capable of, should it pass. Cause what I’m seeing is not much. I still want to know where people got the fines and jail time from as that wasn’t in the bill. Someone let me know where that’s coming from cause it wasn’t in

    Just did. Looks like everyone whining about Sodastream is wrong. The bill is about foreign nations boycotting Israel and saying the US cannot offer support or endorse those boycotts. It’s backlash against the UN calling for a boycott of Israel and calling for governments to stop doing business with it and the US is

    Here’s my question: who does this outlaw boyctting Israel. A while back people claimed Cameron had made it illegal to boycott Israel when really he’d made it so government funds could not be used to support the boycott of any nation the UK did not have sanctions against. As people have pointed out, it’s downright

    Yep. Though Russia has tightened adoption restrictions in the past due to just how shitty things can get for the kids once they get here (given a lot of parents in the less savory side of adoption seem to think that if you adopted the kid the kid should not have any problems). I mean, whole nations have cut off


    Question on the Israel thing: is this aimed at private orgs or is this saying groups that get govt. money cannot boycott Israel or is this saying government orgs cannot boycott Israel? Those are different things, after all, with the first being the least likely.

    Two from one state is a bad idea, imo, but yeah they both seem pretty awesome.


    Yep. You don’t just yell—you vote, you phone, you get engaged and stay that way for a while. You WORK.

    They were. Against Flint Water Officials.

    Given a lot of them hate her for supporting Hillary and attacked her pretty harshly for it, idk if she will.