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    Be careful. He’s announced at rallies that if the crowd beats someone up and gets in legal trouble for it, he’ll pay for their lawyers.

    It’s their internalized misogyny manifesting as “not like the other girls” syndrome. They’re not the kind of women he’s insulting, obviously, they’re better.

    Just print a fortune on the outside of each wrapper. to save money. But not an the applicator, that would be weird.

    Other than “keep the general design different from other brands” anyway. I’d hate to accidentally grab Tampax because they suddenly switched to pink with a yellow or green woman’s silhouette and I was in a hurry.

    Well then unless it’s Playtex it’s going to get confused for Playtex. Each brand generally uses a different main background. Playtex has pink, Tampax has blue, this new brand I keep forgetting that makes nice pads but meh tampons is black, most store brands are green or yellow.

    Not upset, but a lot of your arguemtns sound awful close to those who like to imply women, execially hot women, are all fake geek girls just doing it for the attention. I’m sure you didn’t mean it that way, but that’s how a lot of it sounded.

    ...Do you not think these “10s” have hobbies like other people do?

    It’s called fun. It’s genuinely fun to dress up like someone else. Pretty simple.

    Because they enjoy both the media from which the cosplay originates and sharing their awesome cosplays with other like-minded individuals. You know, the same reason anyone else does?

    This is the same model as hers:

    The foot tall Hagrid plushie my mom got for her classroom says otherwise.

    Hilariously, the main proof that it’s bad for you is part of how it makes people think works. Because this stuff irritates the vagina, the vagina releases discharge in an attempt to clear itself. The women who use these things then assume those bits of discharge are the “toxins” their vag was holding onto and

    Yeah, over on tumblr I’m on team “beat fellow libs over head with stick that if Hillry gets the nom, sure a bunch of us aren’t as happy, but by god we’ll need her for the supreme court”.

    On the one hand, too soon.

    Agreed. It jumped to the communist stuff way too fast...like, there is so much stuff they could have made fun of that Isabelle could have screwed up. The mayor in New Leaf can actually manipulate currency and they left that out of their commie jokes?

    My hometown school district didn’t fuck this up so badly, for crying out loud. Girls, no shorts/skirts that went more than halfway up your thigh (hard because that was what most were designed to be at the time). Boys, no cargo shorts/pants or board shorts (hard for exact same reason). Everybody, no tank tops (boys and

    Yep. My parents had to switch to formula becuase I drank only a tiny amount a time and my mom did not feel comfortable pummpin so they just went with formula after a couple months. I drank like a fifth of what most would, napped for an hour or so, and then woke up for more. It took forever to get me regular mealtimes

    Jeez, poor cat. Unlike dogs which are more omnivouoous, they are obligate carnivores and need meat (or meat based food) in their diet.

    Depends on the breed, and it HAS to be closely supervised by a vet if you want to do it right. Like, you can’t just give them salad, you have to work in the night amount of nutrients.