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    Binks is actually pretty good in the cartoons, surprisingly. Mostly because they only put him in plots he works in, like “Bombad Jedi” (frankly one of my fav moments in the series not only fo figuring out how to let Jar Jar be awesome while being Jar Jar but also Threepio’s line “Jar Jar’s been killed...I knew this

    It’s really not. Cheerleading is a highly gymnastic sport with an injury rate far higher than football.

    Try four different versions of Baby It’s Cold Outside within an hour with varying levels of pushiness and equality of which gender is doing the pushing by the fourth one. I am not sure who was running the store radio station but man were they off the mark.

    I think the real issue is that the song is implying that she’s not really saying what she’s saying. Sure we could say “it was the 40s, of course she couldn’t say what she meant” but...they’re in private. He’s the only one there. If other people were around I’d buy it more but if this was meant to be cheeky she

    Hell, remember How to Train Your Dragon 2? Drago Bludvist’s ablity to control dragons and Hiccup’s mom were supposed to both be huge twists. Both made it into the trailers as major features of the trailers. The people who made the movie were pissed at the advertisers.

    Especially since the series it’s based on isn’t even over yet so it’s either going to have to force an alternate ending or they really think they’ll get three movies. Which...yeah no, the series is not that great, imo, the first books lives or dies on its twist alone and feels like it should have been a stand alone.

    Bad plan, folks. Jasmine lives there and she’s a major part of the mouse’s major Princess line. Mess with his merchandising ad Mickey will put a boot up your butt so damn fast.

    They’re always easier to sew. Less curves=less work since you have to put in darts and such. That’s my most models aren’t only skinny, but also generally as flat-chested as possible.

    I just love how Joe was desperately tryng to guide him toards the right answer and Don’s like “nope, nope, not gonna do it!”

    Don’t cheer just yet. Disney endcap at the store I’m in is almost all blondes. Fake braids? All blondes and Ariel. Featured princesses on boxes and books? Anna, Belle, and the all blondes with the occasional Jasmine or Snow. Pocahontas was on one thing. No Tiana or Mulan at all. But we’ve got Alice, for some reason...

    I think it’s really interesting how people react to spoilers. I’ve never minded them but it’s interesting how even a group of like-minded people can react differently. Like I watch various brony reviewers, some relish spoilers for guessing-games, some don’t mind them if it happens but prefer not to look for them, and

    See, i can agree with that. This one makes more sense and I don’t feel like I need to look stuff up to understand it’s basic premise.

    They have some good older stuff but I think they’ve run out of ideas.

    This just reminds me of an episode of Anime Abandon when Sage called out a scene of a guy molesting a woman being played comedically, asking why people are supposed to accept the scene as funny. “They weren’t wearing clown shoes when it happened and nary a single person slipped on a banana peel.”

    Anymore? This has been going on since 9/11. Sikhs are constantly assumed to be Muslim and attacked.

    Oh, by no means. I think he’d be the kind of ass today who would claim abuse isn’t happening if you don’t beat the shit out of them, for example.

    I remember reading his autobiography (both parts) in middle school and the part about his childhood made it all make sense to me. He was constantly in these hellish boarding school situations and other troubles, but the only time it god bad enough that his mom objected was when a teacher beat him and she knew about it

    I will admit, I feel so sorry for his lawyer. Look at the guy, he looks like “godamnit I know everyone has a right to an attorney but this is just getting absurd...”

    This sort of thing actually came up at Thanksgiving where my parents generaiton was talking about how I (the introverted shut in) have somehow become the child/niece/grandchild who communicates the most. When my generation had their input, it was for 4 reasons:

    Yeah but they clearly need to look at their methods if you end up with issues like Danse...