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    Only if we ever actually enter open war with the Sonic fandom, but our fragile peace seems to be holding for now.

    Agreed. My school was white, black, and golden yellow, but generally you could wear any yellow that wasn’t neon and be fine.

    Agreed. My family is pretty much spread all over the east coast, though sometimes someone ends up moving closer instead of farther away (my cousin going to NYC for work put him closer to my great aunt, for example), which meant everyone was initially nervous that I’m now going to grad school out in California since we

    My aunt had a stroke from similar “all natural” “herbal cure” green tea from China. Thank god one of my cousins was home and got her to the hospital once she noticed her acting off. But she got amnesia from it and lost a few years, meaning they had to explain to her that both my granddad and her beloved poodle had

    Maybe that was his goal. Avert his party looking like asshats and tanking any chance of a GOP prez in 2016 by saying “I’ll leave if you pass a spending bill, okay?” Pretty good ‘thinking of the party’ poltics if it works.

    My cousins often use a nickname I tried out but discarded in middle school. And one of my aunts uses a nickname I have never used but she just came up with. At least it’s just a letter, tho. It means I sometimes get confused about wherer or not they mean me.

    Yep. At my high school Alfredo weny by Anthony becuase he was sick of pasta jokes by sixth grade.

    The multiple names curse was strong in my second grade class. We had 2 Olivias, 2 Ashleys, 3 Codys, and Erin and Aaron who everyone mixed up if we said it out loud.

    The good news is they immolate the closer they get to the earth’s core!

    Ugh, yes. Until I got on birth control, it was almost guaranteed one day a month the cramps would be too bad to walk by midmorning. The nurses thankfully had really good hot water bottles. Sometimes that + midol worked, sometimes dad would come get me on his lunch break.

    It’s not—it’s a desperate attempt to remind her fellows that one of their own will be up for election next year and the GOP brand can only take so many hits. Coupled with the fact that voters skew liberal in presidential years, the GOP is in rouble if they pull a shut down now.

    Trying to save her party from themselves, a noble if thankless task. But seriously, this lady has her eye on 2016, mark my words. She knows a shutdown will all-but doom most GOP nominees since they’ll either have to badmouth their party fellows from congress or look like utter assholes. As so far only Trump seems to

    Yeah. Thankfully I lucked out. The owner liked me becuase his grandaughter (aka jerk manager’s daughter) saw college-student me as a role model and so when she noticed her dad and the other guy were starting to get to me, she got the owner to permanently keep me at the other store. Her concern was pretty valid, they’d

    I’m asxeual so I think I’m invisible whether I move or not. It’s a mircle they were able to order from me!

    Tza was, in fact, completely confused by the whole thing until afterwards. I was just sort of like “...okay?” and did my job. I’m still wondering to this day if they expected me to get hysterical or or uncomfortable or something.

    Especially since it’s just used as a catch-all. One kind of needs to say what the problem is.

    I have a friend who’s brother was in the air force. He once got disciplined because he didn’t slice a cake evenly enough. You have to be so freaking on oint it’s ridiculous.

    I usually hear my mom addressed by last name, but she’s a teacher and it’s usually from her students (it’s also a much more unique name than her first while still being easily remembered). My friends generally alternated between first and last with her. My dad was usually first name. Most of my friends’ parents were

    There was a line in a short story I once read that makes a lot of this make sense to me. “The human mind is a marvelous thing. Simply tell it what it doesn’t hear and it’ll fill in the gaps itself [about what the sound actually is].” Once you insist on what didn’t or can’t be the thing, your brain will crank out all

    I was in high school during the 08 election and still remember how people thought tons of women would swing to the GOP for Palin. It was so freaking dumb.