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    It’s Palin all over again, admittedly one with better choherency. “Oh, we’ll put a woman on the ticket as VP! Bwahaha now all the women will vote for us wait, wait, what do you mean they don’t like her? She’s a woman!”

    Eh, it was a bad one. You said “’Grrl power’ isn’t feminism” and I’d recently been reading the comic and made a bad quip about what “grrl power” was. Sorry if it offended, just a bad joke.

    Initially I thought this said “Florida senate Contender” and was like, “yep, sounds like home all right.” Then I realized it said “failed” and thought “...well now I have to read it to see if she’s still from FL.”

    Just making a joke.

    THIS. There was a bomb threat at my elementary school and it was one of the worst days ever. They evacuated everyone right after we got to class, and most kids didn’t know what was going on. Most everyone left their things inside. Incuding food, which was an issue when we were outside for nearly five hours (this was 2

    We did that with romance novels at the charity bookstore attached to the local library...except we sold them in giant paper grocery bags, so you got like twenty. Did the same with hardbound Reader’s Digest collected editions (to this day I don’t know who kept donating those...)

    Tampons are fine, virgin with no inclination for sex so that’s not an issue. And yeah, the way she asked very not well done, especially since I was already stressed out.

    Virgin, so sex is out as a cause and an identifier. Tampons are fine, but I have to be already bleeding to get them in, if it’s not my period I couldn’t get one up there if I tried. Could be physical trauma, I was in a swordfighting group (padded weapons) where I took a lot of hits between the legs. Including one with

    Rather hilariously, in college I thought a tampon had broken off inside me (thankfully, no, the tip of the Super just exploded a bit) and went to the ER since I couldn’t tell. After three attempts a pap smear (with a sweet elderly nurse letting me cling to her hand) the doctor gave up and used X-rays. One of the worst

    I don’t drink, both becuase I don’t like the idea of being drunk and because alcohol tastes bad and so I don’t see the point of putting it in my mouth. And most people I know have had easy smears which has been little to no help, so yeah at least it’s not as issue for most.

    It was the how, like she was demanding to know (and since I was already stressed and agitated, that wouldn’t have worked even if she’d been right). And when I was baffled at the question, and tried to explain how my previous doctor had put my issues, she dismissed them and went back to the abuse thing which pissed me

    That might help, thanks! I try and try and try but can’t seem to control it they always say I’m clenching but I don’t feel like I am...

    SWERFs are to Sex Workers what TERFs are to trans people.

    My thing is, I have never had a non-painful pap smear. Never. The first time I went to a new gynecologist hoping it would be better it was worse than ever and then she sent my mom (who I’d brought to keep me calm and also drive me home as I’d been given permission by my doctor to take a high dose of Xanax) out of the

    It’s even worse when you hear it from women who proclaim themselves feminists. There’s this one woman I know who thinks that women all have feminitity forced upon them and so a female character acting in any stereotypical feminine manner is weak...but loves to headcanon guy characters acting the same way and still

    If we count games friends owned, the Yoshi’s Island. If not, Mario 2 on GBA.


    Grrl Power is a webcomic about superheroes that does a decent job discussing feminism at a few point, tho. Given its cast, however, I do not see most of them voting Republican.

    True, but they probably don’t have the old signage anymore (usually gets chucked after you take it down) and what they might be able to ship quickly might not have things like correct prices and combos. Plus we’re prtty close to the season change anyway. I give them maybe another week at most.

    Well, singage needs to be designed and then shipped, and they probably want to wait until they make all the changes they’re going t make for next season first.