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    Weirdly enough, almost all spam accounts I’ve had to deal with on tumblr have avatars of scantily clad women with big breasts. So the person who wants to do nothing but post spam and links goes through the effort of picking an avatar instead of leaving a tumblr default...and they all pick almost the exact same thing.

    With its mega form, no doubt. So Rhianna is normal type. I’d vote Nicki Minaj for either Champion who uses a variety or leader of the psychic type gym. Notorious RBG leads the Elite Four in general with her dragon types and badass old lady knowledge. I see Taylor Swift as the Fairy type leader, you know, intentional

    7th grade was when we had geography. The entire continent of Africa was 3 chapters. Asia had 4, I think, outside the “unqiue” ones. Australia got 1. North America got maybe 7? But the book really liked “unique” areas so the Galapagos, Hawaii, Iceland, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and a few other places got their own.

    Formaldehye makes me woozy from the smell. I actually wanted to dissect stuff but just the smell of the stuff about knocks me out. When out teacher dissect a shark for us in 7th grade, I had to sit in the back corner near an open window. And sheep brains in 10th? I couldn’t even do it. The teacher did a test the class

    My mom’s students (first thru third graders, all with autism and other learning disabilities) spent their second week doing testing. Because they need everyone’s baseline or some shit (she already knows she’s going to be spending the next month on catch up for what they forgot but no, we need data!). And so many

    I can hear the bear now...

    You just know the majority of these types have never tried to learn another language, especially after speaking one for the majority of their life. It’s not exactly easy. I have, twice. Spanish and Japanese. I really, really wanted to learn both but apparently “languages in addition to native one” are my only real

    I’ve onlu had good experiences too. Plus with how much credit I got when I turned in my Pokemon GBA games...well, I didn’t have to spend money there for a few years even though I was buying games.

    I wonder if the first tweet was for Rainmaker mode. Becuase that is a freaking deathmatch. Most people average between seven and ten kills per round in that one, and the highest I’ve seen is 28. (my personal best is 17 but I’m usually more around 11)

    It’s becuase in the original version before the August patch, leveling up was WAY too easy and almost everyone hit the cap. Some people hit it within a week. mean, I manged to hit it midway through my first Splatfest and I a pretty much a casual.

    Hirarlously I would not put that past her for a song title.

    Taylor hates her critics. HATES. She even wrote a crappy song about them! (still trying to figure out if she realies she fits “fakers gonna fake” better than anyone...)

    Really if you listen to just the song, I think more a big city, like NYC or something. High rises, slinky nightclub dresses, mixed drinks and bubbles as a theme (seriously, the musical parts just make me think “dreamy bubbles”), that kind of thing. Africa is not a requirement in any way.

    The one pasrt of “Resurrection F” that had me howling was the rammed in exposition that the Z Fighters weren’t killing any of ther opponents, just beating them enough to disable them. Their opponents being Freeza’s massive army who was here to destroy the earth (for crying out loud, Krillin dropped a cliff on a bunch

    And then after her, NORMAN FREAKING OSBORN.

    Comics: Shield got handed over to Norman Osborn, who is homicidally supervillainous when on his meds and much worse when off.

    It’s one of the great failings of rleigion that it cannot answer that. Chick Tracts are infamous for it. A bunch of saintly people and one criminal all die, only the criminal goes to heaven becuase only he thought to repent before his death. That kind of thing. It’s based in the idea that since everyone sins (all sins

    Oh, no I don’t wear them the iagined speaker did. I do appeciate their toughness as shoes, but I never found them very comfy. To each his own.

    I had a grpu where we were roleplaying in an AU of Star Wars as some neutral bounty hunters whose actions slowly built up and affected things by the time of RotJ. We had some rebel leanings (our “diplomat” hunter was from Alderaan and pissed it got blown up) but most of our connections were to the bounty hunters of