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    Well, we used padded ones (so we could swing really hard, like one would have in a real sword fight, usual a golf club handle for the core with camp foam around it for swords) but they were sturdy and still hurt (I once took a tomahawk to crotch that left me on the ground for over five minutes).

    Mostly your classic Jew jokes (greedy, curly hair, control the world). Did rather hilariously shut a guy up when he dropped some change, I hurried to help him pick it up (we were in a crowded parking lot, of course we had to hurry) and he cracked some joke like “you dove for those coins like a Jew!”

    The FL panhandle is pretty conservative (we’re upside down because our north and west are conservative while our south and east a liberal, we liked to joke). Like “people stopped talking tomy parnts for voting for Kerry” conservative. And according to my mom the first question everyone asked when we oved was “what

    From what I gather, it’s political correctness mixed in with racism. Oh my god, Muslim women can wear their headscarves, it’s cultural marxism because their culture is valued as much as mine that lets me wear crocs! Oh my god, women are to be treated as human being instead of sex object, cultural marxism, our culture

    Possibly. He’s fond of flauting things like “In America, this* would be rape! but here it’s not, haha!” sorta stuff.

    I’m more on edge about it. When I was three, we had moved to a new place so my parents took me to a big local passover thing so my dad could see what the Jewish community was like. Since I was cute, they asked if Dad and I would sit at the main table, which would be in the newspaper (mom is now Jewish and instead was

    Andrew Anglin is regurally featured on We Hunted the Mammoth as one hell of a white supremecist MRA. Hilariously the MRA side sometimes takes over the white supremecist one, as he’s willing to support nonwhite PickupArtistScum Roosh V

    Really hope Apollo and Athena get some time to shine and expand their characters, with Phoenix maybe only stepping in for the big finale trial of the game. We still don’t know a lot about Apollo and most of what we know about Athena was stuff related to the spoileriffic last case of DD. Got to admit, that law office

    Yeah, YT mentioned the Canadian suicides were being invesitgated as possibly being linked. TYT jut has done a blackout on the hack unless it’s about the fallout of things like the suicides or people in the Middle East now feaing for their lives. They even skipped Duggar, which given how much they hate conservative

    It was a very tall, heavily decorated door. I hated it so much.

    Happens at other stores too, like craft stores. One place I worked, if anything pennied on you, you sold it...and made a fast, coded call to the employees on the floor to find the rest and get them off the floor and into a bin to ship back to corporate or pitch, whichever we were ordered to do. If the customer asked

    My hometown’s Gamestop had the most brilliantly evil marketing plan to catch tourist parents. The Gamestop is located at an outdoor shopping center near the beach. It gets very hot there. The Gamestop has a water fountain. They advertise that they have a water fountain, since people will want to go in and get water

    I coudn’t take it. The mother was WAY too much like my maternal aunt who has a lot of issues that caused our family a lot of pain. I shut the book after the first half.

    I remember reading The Name of the Rose in high school. The first hundred pages sucked (love architecture, but five pages on a really ornate door is too much) but then it got pretty good so I forgave it. Then I got to the author’s note. In response to some critic or something saying the first hundred pages needed

    There actually were some, from other reports. And now they’re worried their data will show it, since some are from nations where that (or even just general adultery) is a serious crime (like in the Middle East). The Young Turks mostly refused to cover the hack (since the media frenzy is what the hackers wanted) but

    Agreed. For example, the person I have considered the hottest guy ever was Shota Matsuda as Akiyama in Liar Game. Like, legit drool-worthy which is unusual for me. Pretty sure a lot of people would not rate the guy the same way.

    So was my high school. While I usually brought my lunch from home, they had the best freaking fries ever there. They actually made a rule that kids could only buy one serving of them after a while because kids would take two or three and declare it their whole lunch. They were just so good.

    People make all the wrong assumtpions when they look at kids’ lunches. Kids thought a girl in my class who had the same first name as me had the coolest mom ever since she got sushi in her lunch. Turned out other-Tza just sometimes went on sushi kicks and was the only one in her family who liked raw fish, so they just

    I ate pretty much the same thing every day in high school. Peanut butter sandwich (sometimes with cheese), banana, applesauce, packet of pringles/goldfish/ritz bits, box of apple juice, and six mini reeses (the applesauce was usually used as a snack midmorning with two of the reeses). If a banana was not available