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    Part of the issue at my high school was different parts were built at different times, which meant you had to know what to do in every different building you had a class in. Science wing? Oh, you’re fine, you have multiple escape routes, even floor length windows. History? Pretty much like science, but smaller windows

    The only time I actually felt nervous was when one happened when I was in the one bathroom in school that was’t in a hallway (where teachers will check for you after locking the hall doors), but open off the side of a building. Thankfully the door did shut and lock but holy shit was I freaking out.

    Eh, depends. In my home county an active shooter drill is just “turn off the lights and hide under your desks while the teacher locks the doors and hallways.” It’s very easy and almost no one takes it seriously. Plus breaking windows wuldn’t work, all of them have metal hurricane shutters (FL), and for some reason

    Every other ember of the Batfamily in addition to Batman, the Flash, Green Arrow and the majority of the Arrow Family, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Static...

    They announed it months ago and the other book he’s in takes place after it happened. So yes, it is confusing.

    There have been reports (the Young Turks had some, for one) of men who used AM to find other men, too. I kind of wonder if there was like some quieter part of the site that was guys meeting guys.

    I’ve seen reports (mainly from the more grim side of the fallout, where users in places like the middle east are now terrified about being blackmailed for it) that there were even some men who simply used the site to meet other men (hence panic over this stuff getting out). Like, they figured it out really quick and

    I hate that when I ws in high school and the local bank remodeled to kiosks spaced all around the floor instead of one long counter my instant thought was “you know if someone comes in with a gun, the tellers are all exposed and no one has anywhere to hide, you’re gonna get robbed and people will die” because I’d

    Yeah. They do have programs for college students, though. So they know they skew older, I think.

    It’s hard. My mom and I were baffled how from day one of the media sensation my dad said Casey Anthony would get off. Finally when the trial started he laid it all out and it made total sense: there was a lot of stuff indicating she probably did it, but nothing proving she did. He totally thought she did it, just that

    I remember going to one of his comedy shows in high school with my parents. I was baffled that he was supposed to be funny. While there was some coded stuff about black people, a lot of white people in my town had never ha to interact with one so he focused most of his material on teens in general. I was very offended

    My immediate guess is it was a message of “wash out your mouth, young lady” because she said something he considered vulgar or inappropriate.

    I took it as “high school students can’t get jobs there anymore becuase adults have taken all of them due to the job market.”

    My folks gave up on this real fast. 1) becuase it was all about cartoons, I did not care about dating and 2) becuase the child-blocks had to be disabled for every new page, not just every new site, that set them off for totally arbitrary things. After a dozen or so pages of the same Yugioh site (which set if off since

    I am a picky eater, and am thereore enthused when not only is there something I’ll eat on a menu, but something I genuinely like. So cheese raviolis in a restaurant are always something I like, but I don’t like sauce and generally try to get them to leave off the garnish too. I usually communicate this by asking for

    Yeah, but on low. Maybe it wasn’t running hard enough.

    Nope. I actually once left my camry running for an entire six hour shift. And unlocked. Totally on accident. It ran fine after, just low on gas.

    To be fair, I once left my car runing (and unlocked, whoops!) on accident during an entire shift last summer. No one noticed until I went and got back in it and freaked out over having done it.

    All variables I can think of: gender, race, and age of the celeb, the celeb’s level of popularity, the clealieness of the cleeb’s image, amount spent on the lawyer, severity of the crime, level of evidence, and amount spent on the prosecution.

    Something similar happened at a slumber party of mine. Mom had some early appointment, so Dad took my three friends and I out for doughnuts. We got there and it was like indecision nation when he asked them what they wanted. We eventually backed away from the counter becuase the barrage from all three of them of “oh,