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    Dad makes mom cheesy eggs or cheesy portabella mushrooms. On demand.

    I remember being young and once asking my parents if the (older, now dead) dog had ever seen them have sex after we’d seen a news clip about pets watching people go at it. They confirmed the younger dog (who we got when I was ten) had as well. I freaked out that my parents were apprently still doing it when I was ten.

    Mom makes baked goods, since even her sandwiches are fail, apparently. Dad makes everything else. Tza quickly learned to feed herself once they started going on health nut kicks.

    Counterargument: My parents are proof that a man making cheesy eggs on demand for his wife will keep you married.

    I was kinda like “well, a lot of them are in that position already...”

    The Green Queen.

    My stance on participation trophies is fueled by my youth soccer days. Everyone gets a trophy, award, ribbon, what have you, but 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place get really awesome ones. Especially first. That way both trying hard and winning get acknowledged.

    Good joke about Stewart being short in there too. I like it.

    Except Fisk works behind the scenes...Trump’s more like those jerks from the Terrible Trio.

    I know nothing of this woman, but that pic up top screams “I am going to take over the world and have a ton of fun doing it.”

    My parents always checked the menu before we ate out because I was, and still am, extremely picky. No need to make the servers bend over backwards when we can just go somewhere that has different fare. Though I’m still a little sad our favorite Italian place got rid of cheese ravioli...

    I don’t like grill marks on my hot dogs. Thus I do not order hot dogs that are grilled. If I cannot avoid it (like, the grilled hot dog is the only thing remotely like) I’ll suck it up.

    Really I think it’s the guys who care more abut sleeping with/even just dating older students and they project it onto girls. It was this HUGE deal among the guys in seventh grade when this one guy in my class was dating an eighth grade girl, while most of the girls were “eh” about it. For like a week he was the king

    I’m perfectly fine with them interrupting the event, hell, even with taking the mike, but not giving it back was a mistake in my opinion since we could really have gotten some good dialogue that could have benefited everyone. Still, it seems to have gotten results.

    Reminds me of when I was in third grade and a girl running for student council president promised free ice cream at lunch. I automatically called bullshit because 1) she would not have that power and 2) the school made money off that ice cream, it would be bad to take that money i my eyes. People made fun of me for it

    Don’t forget, he wants to ignore the fact that if you’re born here you’re a citizen.

    Agreed. Mt elementary and middle schools were mostly white and you would not believe the shit they’d say becuase, hey, no one to really stop them, especially about Muslims. High school had a lot more diversity (it’s put it at less than 30% white) and there was less Muslim-hate because they were about 10% of the

    They have graphic novels that follow the original series to bridge the gap between it and Korra. That’s part of the first one, the Promise, but I don’t recall which part of it (it’s a 3-parter most are). There’s also The Search (about Ursa, not very good) and The Rift (the best one, imo, Promise is too busy trying to

    I’m glad I got a new new job because I can donate again!