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    My guess is either ex-military or lost their job during the financial crisis and police work was just their latest one. Or even a mid-life crisis.

    Now playing

    It gets better. They raise money to run on from lawyers with subtle threats that not donating may affect their judgement of the lawyers’ clients. It is seriously messed up.

    In the case of elected judges, yes. John Oliver did a bit on it for a good in-depth, but generally speaking when they have to run any time they showed anything that could be considered leniency, even just going over old cases that may have been misconducted to check, is always played as “letting criminals roam free”

    She tried to use the controls to save the boys after the trip went wrong, they came back, stuff exploded, she got hit by the explosion, and got her powers from that. But yes, metaphorical works too.

    Agreed. I liked him, generally, and the guys playing Doom and Johhny seemed to be trying but just given really dumb stuff to do. Maybe make a side-quel where it’s just all three riffing. Let Doom ham it up, let Johnny cut loose, and Ben can be the straight-man snarker.

    THIS. My school didn’t have any serious issues with our Greek groups becuase nobody had houses! Sure, some kids grouped up and rented nearby houses but even they couldn’t get too wild becuase the neighbors would just call the cops on them (and these neighbors were serious folks, one semester was pretty much the “age

    Various people in my family have visited the Louvre and every time when they get back I hear “I didn’t realize the Mona Lisa was so small!” and every time I say “I told you so!” because I forewarn them so they don’t waste too much time on it alone and look at the other stuff too. Hilariously that is despite being one

    Thing is, the internet also has a lot of misinformation. My first info on anything sex related came form reading a Yugioh porn fic (which since I didn’t really know what sex was, I initially did not even recognize as a porn fic). Naturally a lot of it was entirely incorrect on things, which later education taught me.

    I had the 5th grade health class thing to. It was 75% periods and the boys couldn’t talk to us for a few days because everyone was so weirded out. Everything else was intenet or my parents or one really nice doctor. I’m ace so idgaf but I’m sure it gave people who actually cared about sex some problems that we didn’t

    It was doing fine until this episode too...guess they had to get lazy at some point. Thankfully it was only part of the fight that was that bad. Hopefully it’s just a blip.

    I love the Thor movies, but I will never claim them to be masterpieces by any means. They just know how to be awesome when the time is really right for an epic battle.

    This, this, a million times this. I mean, when Man of Steel wasn’t depressing, it was boring since they were so damn determined to make the fights look like disasters (as in damage incurred, not intentionality make them look bad) that I couldn’t even get excited for them.. Compare Supes fighting Zod in that to

    Agreed. Target can do the thing and then we can work on parents also learning to do it, becuase we do need that too. (sad story from a friend of mine, her son asked for an MLP toy, she got it, his dad got annoyed and point blank told his son MLP toys were only for girls and now the son’s iffy about playing with it

    It’s pretty obviously done to slow leveling up. Nintendo was stunned at how fast some people reached level 20.

    Ah, I always forget the Bubbler until it’s used to kick my butt.

    Yay, it’s more than just eme! All I see is marshmallows everywhere.

    Ah. I thought you meant the main upate. My guess is with the new levels they’ll do what they did with Moray Towers and Camp Triggerfish and the rest and phse them in. Not sure what Rainmaker mode it, could you clarify?

    I think it’s just tricky to get around, I’ve managed to get some bucket users but others are just splatting machines. You generally need either range or surprise.

    It’s out already. Urchin Underpass was redesigned, new modes are up, and there’s new clothes and weapons.

    The splatling gun can be very good for defense on Tower mode (aka my fav mode) and its combo of range without narrowing your vision like a charger is great. But your defense can be low between spins and I die a lot unless I get a perfect setup, so I’m mostly sticking to Splo0sh-o-matic for now. I can’t really talk